ГневЪ (Oi!/Punk) - Злость Серых Улиц (2008)
(Gnev - Zlost' Seryh Ulic)
Drunken Nuns - Furto Con Destrezza (1996)
Redcard - Live (15.09.2007)
Rebelion - Destruye El Estado (2007)
Nacidos Del Odio - Orgullo Punk & Skin (2008)
La Banda Del Destierro - Camino Y Reviento (2008)
ГневЪ - Злость Серых Улиц (2008)
Labels: Music
Music - Oi!, Punk, Hardcore
Terroristi Da Bar (Oi!) - Terroristi Da Bar (Demo, 2000)
Crash Sur Vos Tombes - Crash Sur Vos Tombes
(or from their site)
Brigata Vilipendio (Oi!) - Vilipendio
Brigata Libertaria - Promo + Bonus
BelfegOi! - Az ördog nem alszik!
Punishable Act - Rhythm of Destruction (2008)
Nada Que Perder - Nada Que Perder (2007)
Menosprecio - Sangre Por Sangre (2008) (320k)
Zbeb! (Punkrock) - Qu'on En Finisse! (Demo 2007)
Zbeb - Zbeb
Zasrali Solnce (HxC) - Zakon Vne Zakona (2007)
Arglistige Toischung - Oi! To The Corpses (2008)
Free downloads:
Kaso Zerrao - Demo
And few nice pics from Greece
Labels: Music
Ignotus - Tiempos Revueltos (2008)
Ignotus - Tiempos Revueltos (2008)
Pekatralatak - Pour Un Djihad De Classe (2008)
The Knocks - First Step (2008 Demo EP)
Free Downloads:
Hangover Overdose - Huippumalli Haussa (2008)
Labels: Music
Music Update - Hardcore, Punk
Hijos Del 77 - Vivos En La Memoria (2008)
A Fora De Arrastu & Feccia Tricolore - Split (2008)
Feccia Tricolore - Feccia Tricolore (2006)
A Fora De Arrastu - Istorias (2004)
To Ed Gein - To Ed Gein (2008)
Still Life - Sigue Caminando (2007)
Взрывая Границы (Vzryvaya Granici)
Perhaps you already noticed that at El Club De Los Magios you can find new album from Razor Bois (in my folder you can find VBR V0 quality version). To my folder I added also Demo from Hoods Up 495 (pre Moscow Death Brigade, Razor Bois) - Beastie Boys punk hip hop style.
Technical Note:
Size of my main rapidshare folder reached its max capacity -- number of 500 files -- so to make some space I created new folder and moved some of old files there. The new folder for old files's adress is Perhaps you won't need to acces this folder - just for case you would like to download some albums from older posts (old but popular files I'll keep in my main folder). Later I'll add the link to this folder to the right menu on this site. It's the best solution I could devise at the moment....
Labels: Music
Oi!, Punk, HxC Music (Update)
Spina Nel Fianco - Sulla Cattiva Strada
(one song in the paylist here)
Workers Etiquette Manual - The Haves vs. The Have Nots (2004)
Dead Spike - Punx Über Alles (2006)
No Good Heroes - Radio Rebelde
Five Boots (Streetpunk Oi! from Italy) - Five Boots
Five Boots - Le Nostre Piccole Storie (1995)
Ruidosos (Punk Oi!, Italy) - Ditelo Col Fuoco
Sons De Lucha (Streetpunk, France) - Demo
-------------------------Exploited in Madrid
Just quick intro if you don't follow the news about the band you perhaps don't even listen to :) - vocalist of the Exploited was confronted with his ambiguity by local antifascists before his show in Madrid...
At La Haine you can now find "Clarifying official notice respect to the action against Wattie (Exploited)" (for english version scroll down the page) and also few photos of this nopoliticsjustpunk band. That message is partially also response to the post at the Exploited's blog.
Labels: Music
Urban Noise - Una Vida De Lucha (2008)
Urban Noise - Una Vida De Lucha (2008)
Banned From The Pub - Répétition Aoűt (2008) (Live)
(some of their songs you can download from their
Claw - Demo (2008)
Hold a Grudge - Hold a Grudge (128kbit)
Intifada (Bogota) - Toma La Piedra y Enfrenta
Also another Live (maybe the same as previous, don't know.. :) and Demo from Trastorno Mental
Labels: Music
Redweiler - Bordeaux Saigne (2008)
Redweiler - Bordeaux Saigne (2008)
Added to
Well, I'm not sure if this is complete or final version - at Solitude Urbaine nothing and at Conehead rec. it's still marked as "Out Soon". But finally whatever it is it's not their live and it's pretty good so enjoy...
Redweiler at myspace
Labels: Music
Update - Hardcore, Oi!, Punk
Added:Assert - Left Opposition (1999)
Assert - Riotous Assembly (2003)
Assert - Insurrection Rocks (2001)
Utopia Concreta - Rivolta Dai Sobborghi (2004)
(or download directly from their site >>here<<)
Alkol'Oi! - Demo (2007)
Toc De Queda - Mallorca Oi!
Rabia Proletaria - Tiempos de Guerra (Demo)
Far To Close (Streetpunk, Oi!, Belgium) - True Ways
Trastorno Mental - Demo (2007)
Blokeo - A Por Ellos Como En Paracuellos
Free Downloads:
Dexprecia2 - Jugaremos a la guerra (Demo)
Degenerados (ZGZ) - Demo
(if download from their site won't work try it >>here<<)
Now I remember that somebody requested Full Time Skins - I have only som 7 tracks from them nevertheless if you want you can download them >>here<<
Labels: Music
Music - Oi!, Punk (Updated)
Added: Nuts & Bolts - We Don't Wanna Wake Up (2007)
Nuts & Bolts - Nuts & Bolts (2004)
Nuts & Bolts - Demo
Schlag - Premiere Saignée
(now I noticed that they have one download link also at their myspace...)
Blockbastard - Apocalypse Down (2008)
(+ videoclip "Apocalypse Down" download >>here<<)
Blockbastard - Demo
Asalto 54 - Larga Vida Al Co!
(split with 45 Revolutions also in my folder...)
Figli Di Alex - No Chiacchere, Botte! (2004)
Working Frog - Frog'n'roll
Двигатель Революции - Песни гражданской войны или Нежность и грусть (2006)
(Dvigatel' Revolyutsii - Pesni grazhdanskoj vojny ili nezhnost' i grust')
(>>sample<< (right click and save)
Free Downloads:
Viande Rouge - 5 tracks
Justa Venganza - Contra las cuerdas (Demo 2008)
Die Welle / The Wave (2008)"A high school teacher's unusual experiment to demonstrate to his students what life is like under a dictatorship spins horribly out of control when he forms a social unit with a life of its own."
>>Download links<<
(subtitles: Czech, Polish, Greek, Turkish, German, Dutch >>here<<)
Labels: Music
Katyusha - Benzina Sul Fuoco (2008) + Links
-------- MUSIC ------------Katyusha - Benzina Sul Fuoco (2008) added to ...
Katyusha at myspace
I bought this album at The postage for 1 CD costed me only 1.5 € (and I don't live in Catalonia) and the CD was in my mailbox one week after payment (they use paypal so there are no bank-transfer and currency-conversion charges). Another pro is that they responded my e-mails really fast so there shouldn't be communication problems with some delivery issues.. They also have a lot of another good music or nice t-shirt so check it out.
(Btw. if you have positive (or negative) experience with some another distro, especially that's not in your country, I'd like to hear it. They usually don't respond my e-mails so I'm little worried of solving some delivery problems..)
I also took photos of Last Strike - Delnicky Rock (album in my folder) CD cover with lyrics translated into english - you can download it >>here<<
And one video - Agresion - Traidores (Live)
(I got link to this in the newsletter of WCRec. - they didn't respond my questions but started to mail me their newsletter. To don't malign, maybe they just don't speak (my-)english but it's smiling a bit.)
-------- VIDEO ------------Leila Khaled Hijacker - A documentary about Leila Khaled
Download: Part_1 | Part_2 (English subtitles are in archive)
Screenshots: 1 | 2 | 3
If you'd like some short introduction or overview about I-P conf. you can download PFLP and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 10 minutes (.pdf) at Fighters&Lovers
And if you want some news from Palestine you can head for Anarchists Against The Wall's electronic Intifada updates.
-------- IF ------------
★If you still didn't adopt Anarchist's "Don't believe anybody, don't believe us either" you should do so by now - Anarchist site ran by fascists -> thread at Part1 and Part 2
★If you don't know if to waste your time downloading and watching Battle In Seattle (download links I posted in some of the previous posts) maybe movie review at will help you..
-------- News from the World ------------
★Police fight Police in Sao Palo (The first row tickets sold-out and flights to Brazil fully booked :'( )
★This Wednesday Revolt.Destroy.Reform online radio started their broadcast. So if you'll get bored with pure Punk'n'Oi! you can tune in - every Wednesday evening >>More here<<
★ Anarchists should adpot anti-semitism and ZOG belief. (maybe another anarchist site run by fascists hehe)
T-Shirt Stencil: Rest In Pieces
ZIP archive (828kB) with stencils download >>HERE<<
(right click and 'save as').
In archive there are two versions of this stencil. The first is intended to be printed in dark colors on light colored t-shirts (named black.on.white) and the second is intended to be printed in light colors on dark colored t-shirts (named They are slightly different since different parts of the graphic will be printed (those which are black). Both of them are made in black - that's only for contrast purpouses and it doesn't matter what is their actual color - you choose the color when printing...

Labels: T-Shirt Stencils
Music - Oi!, Punk, Hardcore (Update)
Zona Zero - Ahora o Nunca (2005)
Valdez - Exception Becomes The Rule (2005)
Natural Born Drinkers - Sz 8
Tisztán A Cél Felé - Forradalom
Tisztán A Cél Felé - 1965.09.19
Voodoo Zombie - Demo Del Horror
Abfallsozialprodukt - Keine Macht Den Faschisten
Abfallsozialprodukt - Trauma
Free Downloads:
A Cuchillo + Grito + Mesqueodi - Split
Yesterday CaRRe released the proper DVDrip of Battle In Seattle (About anti-WTO demos in 99'). I haven't seen it yet so I don't know if it isn't just piece of shit (these themes can be easily fucked up) nevertheless it has some good reviews so you can try it at least... Download links I found over the internet are here.
That's all for today but remember you never know who will try to kill you. So you better be ready.
Labels: Music
Music - Punk, Oi! update
Added:Produzenten der Froide - Stuttgart bei Nacht (2007)
Brigata Alcolica - 2 Agosto 1980 (2005)
Brigata Alcoolica & The Sicks - Split
Döner Skins - Promo (Samplerbeiträge-Live-Proberaum)
Bitov Teror (Битов Терор) - Demo
Oltrecortina (Cesare, ex Erode singer) - Vieni Con Me (Demo 1999)
Moskovoi! (10 tracks)
(or free dwonload & samples here)
Blackjacks, The - Blood And Sweat
Free Downloads:
Moscow Death Brigade - Demo'08
(members of Razor Bois)
Prisoners - Real Songs EP
Labels: Music
Music of the 80's
(Because there wasn't myspace back in the 80's I uploaded sample songs from these bands >>here<<)
Nick Toczeck's Britanarchists - More To Hate (1986)
Basta - Non Posso Sopportare Questa Sporca Situa (1983)
Laid Thenardier - Le Cou Tranche, Sourire Kabyle (1987)
Last Stand - Coup D'etat (EP 1985)
Last Stand - Just A Number (EP 1986)
Last Stand + Noonday Underground (Split EP 1984)
Naste Borraste - Naste Borraste (1987)
Naste Borraste - Pon Un Idiota En Tu Vida (1988)
Baldin Bada - Baldin Bada (1989)
Baldin Bada - Lur Azpian Bukatuko Duzue (1986)
Linton Kwesi Johnson - Making History (1984)
Linton Kwesi Johnson - Dread Beat An' Blood
Linton Kwesi Johnson - Forces Of Victory
Ruts, The - Something That I Said (The Best Of)
Aut Aut - Musica Di Periferia (1994)
(94' is not 80's but never mind)
Free downloads:
Yr Anhrefn
- Defaid, Skateboards a Wellies (1987)
- Peel Session
Labels: Music
Fun with Czechs and Music update Smash the reds.
(click image to see full photo)
Hoodie with "Good Night Red Side" motive already available at Each right anarchist should have one. Go get yours!!
Scum: We love antifa.
(click image to see full photo)
The Czech Communist Party: We love Anti-Antifa.
Jiri Valenta, member of the municipal council and communist party, on antifa anti-nazi demonstration:
"I consider absolutely unacceptable that the manifestation and propagation of the radical movement ANTIFA was officially permitted during the precaution process. Something like that can not be accepted in the democratic society. Inconceivable motivated (sic!), unnecessarily politically populist, action (...) leads only to further ecsalation of organized violence. Not only on the part of right-winged radicals but also on the part of so called antifascists. All who stood by, including me, could make certain of illegality of the speech of the ANTIFA speakers (speech, which could be also impulse to lodge a complaint for instigation to violence and hatred). The leaflet distributed by ANTIFA at the venue encouraged to violence and disposed informations how to mask yourself during an anti-demonstrations (violation of the Rally law) or what to do when arrested."
(free translation from czech - original)★Confession of an anarchist: "COMMUNISM ruined my life!"
★The Blaggers I.T.A. on "We are reds": "We were on drugs when we sang this."
★And more: Did Kaos Urbano REALLY split? We have photos!!!
And MORE!!
Next week on Red Scare press.
Aggressive Combat - Survive (2008)
(videoclip "Pub Stories" 57MB)
Kids Of The Streets - Demo (2008)
(or free download from their myspace page)
Bubbles, The - Demo
(or free download from their myspace page)
T-Shirt Stencil: Classwar
So, here is a new section (well, maybe I'll stick with this post and won't continue, we'll see...) where I'll be adding T-shirt stencils.
About printing
These T-shirt stencils can be printed on your printer (you'll need some special paper and ink) or usually in your local copy center (where they'll also put it on your t-shirt or whatever else) or by other services engaged in printing. The stencils are made for cut-out printing (I really don't know how it's called even in my own language and I mean that they'll print only shapes - no background, this kind of printing produces better quality, doesn't look ugly and is only a bit more expensive). >>Here<< is an example how it should look. And >>this<< is what you can not get This kind of printing has also some negatives - there can't be used too difficult or too tiny shapes, gradients and colors (resp. each color needs to be applied separately). Basically - vectors, however that doesn't mean that I'll vectorize all of them, it's not needed... . Nevertheless it's probably the best what you can get for "single t-shirt print". Often the biggest size they can print is A4.
(Alternativelly, if you are skilful, you can use just roller and inks and make your t-shirt by your own. There's a lot of howto's on the internet e.g. this one @ Stencil Punks)
Motives I'll be sharing are mostly stolen ideas, bands logos and so on - just resized and edited for the kind of print I wrote above (I have also some my own but maybe later...). So once again before somebody will complain - these motives are not my ideas, I just converted them into stencils.. And second characteristic is that they're simple and monochromatic.
You shouldn't use these motives for commercial purposes. If you'd like to print'n'sell t-shirts with these motives remeber that somebody else probably did and the money s\he got from that goes for the better purposes than for your profit (e.g. money from selling of today's motive goes directly to the class war ;) ) - I mean this particularly in connection with the band's t-shirts.
Enough talks, here is the first one:
Download as *.PNG (10007kB, A4 sized)
Download as *.EPS (23kB) *
(right click and "Save as")
*Vectorizing of the text under the logo wasnt't so succesfull so if you want to use that, you will need rewrite that text yourself - here is font I used: Carlsberg Sans (TTF & OTF)
From previous posts you can use also RASH logo for this purpose...

Labels: T-Shirt Stencils
Music - Hardcore, Punk
Rajando Timbales - Mil Batallas (2008)
Catorce Agujeros - 14 Agujeros
Maggoty Brats, The - Rodeo EP (2006)
Folsom - Neon Light Nights (2008)
(their other albums you can download from their official pages)
Call To Arms - Dead End Youth
Dishonour Squad - Century Of Fear (2005)
Labels: Music
Music, Video - Update
Gomeru - Bales De Rabia (2008)
Answer - Ni Oblit Ni Perdo (2008)
Destral De Guerra - Demo (2008)
(or directly from their myspace)
Ariabàscia - Mi Ni Vogliu Pisa (2007)
Free Downloads:
Banned From The Pub - Sounds from Burdigala
Antitank - I a pendre pel cul!!!
Roig - Els llops no ploren
|Video| Kaos Urbano - De Madriz Al Infierno - DVDRip
Concert, Videoclip Inadaptados, Larga Vida Al Oi!, Photos
Larga Vida Al Oi!
>> More Info & Download Links <<
Music - Oi!, Punk (Update)
Added:Bandera Negra - Els carrers són nostres (2008)
Pinta Facile - Cattivi Pensieri (2008)
Chaoskins - Niente Da Voi (2005)
Chaoskins - Demo (2004)
Berenice Beach - Runaway (2001)
Tiro Na Testa - Agüecate El Pelicano (2006)
Explorersz, The - The Explorersz
Messi In Croce - Non E Ancora Finita (Oi! Core, Italy)
Free Downloads:
Wasted UTD - Hard Days and Rough Nights + 2xDemo
A.S.C.O - Siete Estrellas (Single 2008)
Labels: Music
Music - Oi!, Punk (Update)
Added:Jeune Seigneur - Tonnerre De Brest (Demo 2008)
(this is the same as their demo I posted 2 months ago but with slightly better sound, 7 tracks)
available at Anfibio, F&F, Madbutcher
L'ultime Atome/Jeune Seigneur/
(if I got that right, this was older band of three members of JS and this is their 5 track demo or what)
Exploto Zurullos - Declaracion de Intenciones (2005)
Spray Back (Punk, Oi!, Brest) - La Vie En Rose (2005)
Tados - A Tombeau Ouvert (2005)
Class War Kids, The - Strong People Need No Leader (2008)
Oppugno - Unidos Para Luchar (2006)
Social Combat - Tinta, Sangre Y Sudor (10'', 2007-8)
Free Downloads:
Kinkinela - Kinkinela
M26.7 - M26.7
Labels: Music
Music (Update) - Oi!, Hardcore, Other
Added:Last Crime Nation (L.C.N.) - Direct Action (2006)
Last Crime Nation (L.C.N.) - Toxical Injection (2003)
ImpetuM - Demo (2007)
Worthless - 17100 Riot (2007)
(this is 320kbit version - alternatively you can download 128kbit version for free from
Senza Frontiere - Oi! Senza Frontiere (2008)
(alternatively you can download this directly from their myspace)
Buddha Bulldozer - Beer Karma (2006)
Asian Dub Foundation - Punkara (2008)
Fred Alpi - Les Chiens Mangent Les Chiens (2003)
Fred Alpi - Ici Et Maintenant (2000)
Labels: Music
Music - Oi!, HxC, Hip-Hop
A Quemarropa - Que corra la Sangre (Demo?) (?) (2008)
(This is probably just a demo of that album - When looking for that in distros or at their myspace I didn't find any info where to buy it or message that it's already out...)
Ciurma Skins (ex Antiruggine) - Ciurma Skins (2007)
Agitation-Propagande - Quel Combat?
Born To Hate - Born To Hate (2007)
Mouthguard - House Of Stoush
Kurzer Prozess - Blaulichtmilieu (2008) (when tryin' to play this in VLC mp there are some strange sounds going out so better use another player...)
Red Star Soundsystem - Erste Schritte
Klowns - Наша Любовь, Наша Ненависть (2008)
(Nasha Lyubov', Nasha Nenavist')
And now something completly different:What is homophobia?
and what to do about it (with your boots)
Labels: Music
Update - Movie, Music
|Movie| Обыкновенный фашизм / Ordinary Fascism (1965)
Audio: Russian, German, Chinese(?)
Subtitles: Spanish
Info & Download links
Free downloads:
Askatasuna's new album - Nuestro Barrio (2008)
Klowns - Klowns (2006)
- download from
Los Carronheros - Asalto A La Kultura (EP 2008)
Greek Punk
From Greek bands there I know (and can recommend) only OMIXLH and Panx Romana and I've never had enough time to explore more, so If you have any tips, you're welcome...
Gavroche - Ragazzo Come Noi (2008)
Gavroche - Ragazzo Come Noi (2008)
Added to my folder:
(their older album at the same place ;)
You can buy it e.g. at Anfibio Records or Epidemic Records (5 €)
Gavroche myspace page
Labels: Music
Skontra - Cantares pa dempues d'una guerra (2008)
Skontra - Cantares pa dempues d'una guerra (2008)
you can download from their official site
(alternatively use links in my folders...)
Skontra at myspace
Other Free Downloads:
La Pegatina - Al Carrer! | Dekrepits
Labels: Music
Music - Oi!, HxC, Punk (update)
Anarchy Boys (pre Anarchy Jerks) - Oi! The Sound From Teenage
Rebel Boots - Niente Per Nessuno (2006)
Testikulos De Jehova - Testikulos De Jehova
Faktor De Riesgo - Demo (2005)
The Parias - Live
A Sangre Fria - Cuando Las Tinieblas Caen (2006)
Urban Navahos (Punk, Dub) - No Buzz Sucker
Agent 86 (Punk) - Discography
Agent 86 + Urban Navahos - Split EP
Free Downloads:
Alabaix - Dialectica, Zikuta - Fills D'immigrants
Akto Reflejo - Punk Oi!
This is the 88th post at this blog so let the Race War begin
Race War 1 | Race War 2
Labels: Music
Music - Punk, Oi!, HxC (update)
AK-47 (Canada) - The Fucking Enemy (2005)
The Knockarounds - Demo (2005)
Influencia Violenta - Demo
Antisociali - Antisociali (2003)
Madlocks - Riot (2008)
Mouthguard - Born Out Of Disgust (2001)
Mouthguard & Hard x Times
Czolgosz - Liberation
Czolgosz - Guernica
Czolgosz & Anfo - Me Dan Asco
Czolgosz & Critica Radicala - So Mai Cares (2004)
Bull Brigade (ex Banda Del Rione) - Strade Smarrite (2008) (thanks to El Club De Los Magios)
Labels: Music
Antifa - Chasseurs de Skins
Documentary "Antifa - Chasseurs de Skins" is since yesterday available to download "from" torrent - e.g. at TorrentPortal or Mininova (you can combine trackers from both). Nevertheless it's in French language with no subtitles.. DVD with english subtitles should be available in a 3 weeks at ResistanceFilms (at the moment there is only "no-subtitles" version).
>>P2M download links<<
Update: English .SRT subtitles (OCR by
Jeunesse Apatride - Larmes aux Poings (2008)
Jeunesse Apatride - Larmes Aux Poings (2008)
Added to my rapidshare folder:
official site
myspace page
Also you can buy it, e.g. at Fire&Flames or Madbutcher
Labels: Music
A.C.A.B. - All Cops Are Bastards
"Police protect the rich
Uphold their fucking law
Police uphold the system
As they smash you to the floor
Because our so called freedom
Is nothing but a farce
Restrictions, lies and laws
Are rammed right up our arse"
Extreme Noise Terror - Bullshit Propaganda
Why Fuck The Police (
>>Street Art Gallery<<
Music Video
Red House Project - Per più di un milione
(Carlo Giuliani)
Wechekeche Ni Trawün - Matias Catrileo
(Chilean police shoot and kill a Mupache supporter)
(Colombian police attack, 15 y/o anarchist dead)
Police officer abusing an Immigrant and Greek citizen
Police Brutality Rampant
Streets Are Burninig, Cops too.
(alteranatively @youtube but you will need account there)
Labels: Others, Street Art
Quick Update
Vecchio Scarpone - Sangue Sudore Lacrime (2007)
Final Prayer - Filling The Void (2008)
Pervertidos Elegantes - El semenator (2005)
There's something about C.G Jung ;)
Labels: Music
Updated Music and StyleSwitcher
Los Calvos - Nuestra Libertad (2006)
Los Calvos - Tonico Para La Rumba(14+9 bonus live)
Press, The - The Complete Press - 1984-1994
(should be the first US Oi! band ;))
Lumpen Oi! - Lumpen Proletario (2005) (VIDEO)
Barafunda Total - Um Passo Para Crescer
Barafunda Total - Bem-vindos a Realidade
(Question - Should I use white layout as default and black as alternative?)
Maybe you noticed that this blog is using new layout. And because somebody complained about that I added also second layout based upon the old one - so now you can switch between these two layouts. Style switcher is located in the sidebar just under the search form. You can choose "Default" (current black) or "White". Style switcher is using JavaScript and Cookies so you may need to allow them in your browser.
Firefox users don`t. They can stay safe and use Stylish addon instead. How to do that I describe >>here<<. Don`t use Firefox? Get one (Firefox 3 will be released on Tuesday, Win98 users have to stick with version 2).
Alternatively you can use Opera - I think that there is also something like UserStyles but I can`t help you with that. Use google.
Alternative CSS
Alternative CSS with inserted "! important"
Labels: Music
Music - Punk, Oi!, HxC (update)
Segona Opció - Segona Opció (2007)
Usual Suspects - Garvaghy Road
Usual Suspects - Sur Les Murs [download sample]
Jeune Seigneur - Démo [download sample]
Represalia - La Veu D´un Poble
Quartier Libre - L'espoir Fait Vivre (2007)
777 Bakunina - Demo (2005) [download sample]
Brigada de Porkeria - Porkeria del Tercer Mundo
Sons Of Disgrace - Megademo (2006)
Lenino Prospektas & NetvarkOi! (Split 2006)
Adunata - Devi Resistere [download sample]
(previously I posted also their split with Antiruggine (they have better sound there btw) - now it's already deleted but if somebody want to reupload this, write in comments...)
Labels: Music
Music - Punk, Oi! (update)
Hors Controle - Enfants Du Charbon (2008)
Tennentz Colombo - Nelle Nostre Vene (2007)
Tennentz Colombo - Demo (2004)
Skarnio - O Nosso Caminho (2008)
Skontra - Semeya de la Rabia (2006)
Oi! n'Ast - Sangre Y Fierru
Bandera Negra (Punk) - Por El Fin De Esta Agonía (2007)
(download also available from their offic. site)
Barricade Mentale & Von Bismark 007
Comix:The Giant Vs. Nazi Robot Dinosaur
Hippie Gang Vs. Wonder Woman (from 1969)
(Yep, this is the "spirit of the 69", some skins perhaps take these old US comics tooo serious )
Fight Fascism online -
(or google "translated" version)
Music - Punk, Oi!, HxC (update)
Last Strike - Dělnický Rock (2008)
Freiboiter (Stuttgart) - Party Pur (2001)
Wildcat Strike - Wildcat Strike (1998-2003)
Sector 69 - Oi! Contra el Fascismo (1996)
Edelweiss Piraten (PL) - Kolejne Ofiary Zmarnowanych Pieniędzy
Brotherhood - Fuck Racism, No Tolerance
Brotherhood - As Thick As Blood (1989)
Anti Squad - Indonesian Proud
La Gossa Sorda - Saó (2008)
Free Downloads:
Kome Mierda - Nuestra Patria El Mundo Entero (2004)
Shöck - Demo
(from some reason the download from their site doesn't work in FF so here is another option)
Ze History of ze Nazi
Labels: Music
Music - Update (Oi!, Punk, HxC)
Hell Beer Boys - No Penseis Por Mi (2008)
(or buy)
Devorados Por El Odio - Devorados Por El Odio
V.A. - 1er Festival Alkorhooligans
* Oi! Kids
* Urban Class
* Rajando Timbales
* Devorados Por El Odio
- 7 tracks each -> tracklist
Violencia Violeta - Vivencia Violenta (2006)
Straight Opposition - Step by Step (2006)
Schwarzen Schafe - Chaos & Dogma
I also wanted to add this, but forgot:
Nucleo Terco - La comision de la estaca - CD Covers (with lyrics)
Mopkobb - Mopkobb (2008)
and at Hell Beer Boys's site you can download also their first album - Ratas del Oria
Labels: Music
Update - Galleries, Comix, Music

> Spanish Civil War <
> CCCP <
(btw, if you want to download certain poster, click "All Sizes" button above the image for full resolution ;)
|Superman - ☭ed Son|

Free Downloads:
Crit De Lluita - Guerra per la Terra (1998)
Askatasuna - Barricades, Cocktails et Pavés
Anarquia Positiva - @+ (LP, 1997)
Other Downloads:
Orreaga 778 - Orreaga 778 (2005)
Orreaga 778 - Bide Bakarra (2007)
And at you can find download links to:
Boikot - Amanecio (2008)
Lendakaris Muertos - Vine, Ví Y Me Vendí (2008)

Freiboiter - Riot Radio (2008)
Added to my folder ->
Band Site:
or >>Buy<<
Camarada Kalashnikov put their new album Mans, ment i cor (2008) at Jamendo for free download (in 192 kbit) - >>download here<<
(nevertheless you can also support this great band and buy it - eg. at Radikal Records)
Videoclip Tirano-Saura
pages dedicated to the album (cd covers, mp3s) ->
Labels: Music
Music - Punk, Oi! (update)
Senza Tregua - Fiamme al Tricolore (2007)
J'Aurais Voulu - Le feu sacré (2007)
Ultima Sacudida - Raw & Loud (2007)
Straight Opposition - Gathered Against Mediocracy (2008)
Ultimatum - Pateando Hasta El Final (2008)
Direttiva 16 - Demo (1st demo - 4 tracks)
Subsistance - Demo
Brigada Pinochoi! - Live (18-01-2003)
Heimatglueck - Koennen gebratene Tauben fliegen (2003)
Heimatglueck - 2 Stueck In Einer Packung (Doppel-EP)
Labels: Music
Music - 99 Posse + Other
Added to my folder ->
99 Posse
99 Posse - Curre Curre Guaglio (1993)
99 Posse - Guai A Chi Ci Tocca (1995)
99 Posse - Cerco Tiempo (1996)
99 Posse - Corto Circuito (1998)
99 Posse - La Vida Que Vendra (2000)

Al Mukawama - Al Mukawama (2003)
-> 'O Zulù (99 Posse) & Dj Perch (Zion Train)
Other downloads:
Testimoniu la viztima - Arboles con sida (2006)
download from: or
+ some older demo
+ 99 Posse - NA - 99 - 10
CD1 & CD2
btw in May is also another fine hip-hop band releasing their album -
Kurzer Prozess
(not the nazi band with the same name..)
Labels: Music
Krav Maga - Instructions Videos
"Krav Maga is a simple, effective self defense system that emphasizes instinctive movements, practical techniques, and realistic training scenarios."
More about Krav Maga
There are 4 videos where you can learn basic movements, punches, combos, defending against a knife attack and defending against a gun attack
>> and P2M download links <<
Labels: Video
Music - Punk, Oi! (update)
Mancha Negra - Punk Rock Operario
The Bois - Cream Of The Crops
Enboskada - Zilegi Al Da (2008)
Enboskada & Never Surrender (Split)
Kalashnikov - Oi! HxC, Galiza (5 tracks)
Без Изход - Demo (Oi!, Bulgaria)
Pirat's Sound Sistema - vol. II (2007)
Sloppy Livin - Miestas (2003)
Sloppy Livin - Niekas Neisgirs (2002)
Subestimados - (4 tracks + 1)
Nucleo Terco - La Comisión De La Estaca (2008)
(Complete Version)
Labels: Music
Nucleo Terco - La Comision de la Estaca - 11 of 14
11 of total 14 tracks from their new album. The rest is coming soon (as I hope :) ) - or order at or
01 El mejor de los mundos posibles
02 Tres mujeres
03 Sturmovik
04 La larga marcha
05 La ley del combate
06 ...mal acaba
07 Largo es el camino
08 La comision de la estaca
09 Comparte es dolor
10 Lo tuyo es imposible - MISSING
11 Testa in giu
12 Pico, Pala, Zanja
13 Accion de castigo - MISSING
14 Muertos sin nombre - MISSING
added to my folder ->
EDIT: now added also complete version
Labels: Music
Foobar2000 themes (for PanelsUI)
For those who don´t know - Foobar2000 is perhaps the best player for Windows (and it´s free) - if you don´t use it already, you can try it at least - There is probably nothing you could miss when switching from your current palyer (native support of many formats, CD ripping, converting of audio formats and plenty of others - I usualy just play music so I don´t even know them all). And if you would still miss something then there is many of addons - e.g audioscrobbler for Last.FM etc.
So, I recently remaked a pair of Foobar2000 themes - for download links and some info of how to install them follow the link bellow. If you want to make some changes of them or directly make your own then it is not more difficult than editing CSS code.
>>>Info, screens & download links<<<
Music - Update
Gazapos - 08210 Antifa (2007)
Gazapos - Músicas Rebeldes (Maqueta '97)
Gazapos - Maqueta '95
Cartouche - Je trahirai demain
Cartouche - Concert a la miroiterie (2006)
Ex-Cathedra - 2x4=
Ex-Cathedra - Anaesthetized EP (1999)
Ex-Cathedra - Forced Knowledge
Filo Da Torcere - Filo Da Torcere
-> videoclip - Ricordi
Lion Shield - Against All Odds! (2007)
Ничего Хорошего - До Последней Капли Крови (2008)
(upload by Parapunx)
Sistema Sonoro Skartel put their first album on Jamendo for free download. You can download there also plenty of other albums - for expamle you can start with that SSS favorited.
Labels: Music
Opció K-95 - Interview
I´ve been looking for interview with this band for a long time and I couldn´t find some except two which were in Spanish. And I know in Spanish only few words so when some time ago published interview taken by them I decided to translate it also to English. Well, maybe more accurately to "English-based language" - but for people who speak neither Spanish nor Russian it´s better than nothing and it´s way how to find out more about this band.
And if you don´t care about this, here is at least some music (only hip-hop today):
*Wechekeche Ni Trawün
Their songs you can download directly from their myspace but I uploaded them also here
Newen Pei Katrileo
(song dedicated to the assassination of Matias Catrileo by police ->
Chilean police shoot and kill a Mapuche supporter )
Jingle Bells Mapuche
->Dedication (2006)
download from|
Meen er habi? (Who’s the Terrorist?) (with subtitles)
Download MP3
Born Here (with subtitles)
Download MP3
*V.A. - Hip Hop Partisanen (2004)
(I uploaded this only at
Update - Music, Movie
Obchod na korze (1965) (AKA "The Shop on Main Street")
(with EN and ESP subs)
"An inept Slovakian peasant is torn between greed and guilt when the Nazi-backed bosses of his town appoint him "Aryan controller" of an old Jewish widow's button shop. Humor and tragedy fuse in this scathing exploration of one cowardly man's complicity in the horrors of a totalitarian regime."
>>>More info & download links<<<
|Music - Punk, Oi!, HxC|
Hold a Grudge - Hold a Grudge (2006) (80kbit...)
Adiktes A La Barra - Sinera HxC
Spitting Rage - Demo (2006)
Death In Custody - Infected With Rage (2007)
Los Foiros - Los Foiros (2007)
Anticops - In The Eyes Of A Dying Man (2006)
Klasse Kriminale - Strength & Unity (2007)
Brat Attack - Destruction Sound System (2003)
Brat Attack - From This Beauty Comes Chaos And Mayhem (2005)
(this one is better ;-) )
Riot Brigade - Break Addiction
Commandantes - Für Brot und Freiheit
Frangia Violenta - Demo (2005)
Linx - Some 9 tracks
Txorlitohead - Drunk´n´Roll
Usual Suspects - Hasta La Vista, Commandante
Dirty Floï
-> the 1st and 2nd album
The Gags - Komunitas Bendera Hitam
Sistema Sonoro Skartel - Huye Y Lucha
And if you are bored of pogo you can try "one of the most popular dances in america" Yeeeeeeeeha!!