
Updated Music and StyleSwitcher



Los Calvos - Nuestra Libertad (2006)
Los Calvos - Tonico Para La Rumba(14+9 bonus live)
Press, The - The Complete Press - 1984-1994
(should be the first US Oi! band ;))
Lumpen Oi! - Lumpen Proletario (2005) (VIDEO)
Barafunda Total - Um Passo Para Crescer
Barafunda Total - Bem-vindos a Realidade

(Question - Should I use white layout as default and black as alternative?)

Maybe you noticed that this blog is using new layout. And because somebody complained about that I added also second layout based upon the old one - so now you can switch between these two layouts. Style switcher is located in the sidebar just under the search form. You can choose "Default" (current black) or "White". Style switcher is using JavaScript and Cookies so you may need to allow them in your browser.

Firefox users don`t. They can stay safe and use Stylish addon instead. How to do that I describe >>here<<. Don`t use Firefox? Get one (Firefox 3 will be released on Tuesday, Win98 users have to stick with version 2).

Alternatively you can use Opera - I think that there is also something like UserStyles but I can`t help you with that. Use google.

Alternative CSS
Alternative CSS with inserted "! important"


¡Adelante! Ni un solo paso atrás Laboratorio de la Contrarevolución