
Opció K-95 - Interview

cervezaI´ve been looking for interview with this band for a long time and I couldn´t find some except two which were in Spanish. And I know in Spanish only few words so when some time ago Redskins.ru published interview taken by them I decided to translate it also to English. Well, maybe more accurately to "English-based language" - but for people who speak neither Spanish nor Russian it´s better than nothing and it´s way how to find out more about this band.

And if you don´t care about this, here is at least some music (only hip-hop today):

*Wechekeche Ni Trawün
Their songs you can download directly from their myspace but I uploaded them also here

     Newen Pei Katrileo
    (song dedicated to the assassination of Matias Catrileo by police ->
     Chilean police shoot and kill a Mapuche supporter )

     Jingle Bells Mapuche

   ->Dedication (2006)
    download from ifolder.ru|rapidshare.com

     Meen er habi? (Who’s the Terrorist?) (with subtitles)
     Download MP3

     Born Here (with subtitles)
     Download MP3

*V.A. - Hip Hop Partisanen (2004)
    (I uploaded this only at ifolder.ru)


¡Adelante! Ni un solo paso atrás Laboratorio de la Contrarevolución