* New files on top.
* For search use "Ctrl+F".
* To report dead links or to ask for reupload use comments bellow the filelist.
Esclaves Salariés - Et un probleme s'en suit... (2013)
- 37 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?a9xd1wg4yze5ywd
Buddha Bulldozer - Live Kameleon (May, 2006)
- 34 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?dlw2br5vn94l9f2
F.U.N. - Bootleg Raccolta
- 64 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?8r426ody0mwos9a
Tachanka - Vengeance de classe (2013)
- 10 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?92027swkb7zq4bw
Caserio - Demo (2010)
- 7 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?jf6ifpiufeo0kb2
Fabulous Bastards & Chuche Ma Gaillette - This is NP2C (2011)
- 57 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?nhg8pjt6az121r3
Burdinkaia - Ezkerraldea (Demo, 2011)
- 24 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?qhb741mwf0znvbo
Saskarrak - Eraikitzeko Suntsitzen (Demo, 2012)
- 27 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?v2dropltooh71e6
- Action Sédition - Rapport De Force (2012)
- 26 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?f6ubjadixx6uuc8
- Spaccastronzi - Spaccastronzi (2013)
- 54 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?3wkz1j7l8q4a5to
- Bourbon DK - Hooligans (2012)
- 26 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?brb8rxyq11t5pc3
- Class Struggle - Demo (2013)
- 25 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?dcb1zj3vwgd4irp
- Direct Disregard - Teeth For Thought EP (2013)
- 9 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?icj0fd6gnrr4c60
- Redbanner - Escolta... Desperta!! (demo, 1998)
- 35 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?63e04s6gun5j6vd
- SWNAMII - Babylon in Fire (2012)
- 88 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?5a2pdl1r5pdaph6
- Binouze Metamphe Gang - St (2010)
- 41 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?djbnejomjv873b4
- Pauta Rebels - Live @ United Club (Torino 31-03-07)
- 80 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?vrugu2j9eu4plar
- Maraboots - Demo & live (2012)
- 42 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?16fnoc7n23cb9gy
x - click anywhere United Struggle (Evil Red Oi!)
- United Struggle - Trouble In The Neighbourhood (2012)
- 68 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?bkf7wbq42q9g8d1
- A Ultranza - Demo (2012)
- 39 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?exih87087a5nlxg
x - click anywhere Razzapparte (Oi!)
- Razzapparte - Tuscia Oi! (MCD, 2010)
- 24 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?lfcixcdl4n82lo6
- Pinta Facile - ieri ...oggi (2012)
- 39 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?x8b3atywxekyzhs
- Strike Back - Still Holding On (2011)
- 60 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?mopfro9lp41e532
x - click anywhere Crève-Coeur (Rock'n'Soul, ex-Les Partisans, Plastic Guns)
- Crève-Coeur - L'aube se lève toujours (2011)
- 39 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?b4c46y1r23l7fpd
x - click anywhere Produzenten der Froide (Skinhead Rock’n'Roll)
- Produzenten der Froide - Ich Scheiß auf euren Oi! (EP, 2012)
- 21 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?87z50v9xfgxyv4k
- Kaka Zaharra ta Bi Puzker - Lutxa y odio (demo, 2011)
- 12 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?rz07nvvr9jj407a
- Saldakoi - No escapes (2012)
- 29 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?yekg0fg1ic00ijg
- Banditi Oi! - Demo (2011)
- 9 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ii4n289r5t054c0
- Erasoka - Itzalpetik (2011)
- 33 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?1s94mgd5lkbswgj
- Fight To Life - Lo Que Piensas! (2012)
- 38 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?21ss64ob55c7x5m
- Disturbis (rehearsal)
- 5 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?49esxkozm2lwoyc
- Guacamaya - Un Altro Mondo (2008)
- 25 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?kcxhyw078awbymb
x - click anywhere Senza Frontiere (Oi!, Milano)
- Senza Frontiere - Non c'e futuro senza memoria (2011)
- 42 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?h474z76sii7mqci
- Abskins - Kenobita Leszel (2006)
- 9 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ue7yxygmbg6kjt4
- Trifulka - Askatasun Bidean (2009)
- 22 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?b364tk4zzxmh2x4
- The Last Strength - Anaien Arteko Borroka (2012)
- 26 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ykw35a1b1zfkiba
- T.W.A.T - Blood, Sweat and Teargas (2011)
- 93 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ylnqamqqlz0dii5
x - click anywhere 22 Longs Riffs (Streetpunk, Saint-Brieuc)
- 22 Longs Riffs - A Bout Portant (2011)
- 82 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?nzg7aqd07xmx0mk
- Herri Guda - Atzera Egin Gabe (Demo, 2011)
- 29 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?nqt1ve89lbl22db
- La Cobla - Ep (2011)
- 8.46 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?jfr7j6v7jbxaj4m
- Bomber 80 - Cambia il Vento (2011)
- 64 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?41nqj4ysa4ps9md
- ParanOi! - Seuls Contre Tous (Demo + Live 2006)
- 52 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?i8129vci9w4budf
- Zankadilla - No Lo Aguanto Más
- 28 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?02j19uwp178okdq
- Zankadilla - Zankadilla
- 24 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?2zo3eqbckc6qmq3
- Bastardos - Ep (2006)
- 24 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?hc4jaahvrsvcscj
- Zerosei (06) Skins - La Roma Bulla (2011)
- 40.33 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?p88a1cikfdm1a13
- Davaï - Premiere Pression (2011)
- 73.73 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?rvjqaelahpaqa6e
- Cold Revenge - De Lo Malo, Lo Peor! (2011)
- 30.45 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?n3euq1vf4h9c729
- Jungle Urbaine - Le bruit, le beton et la confrontation (2011) (LQ)
- 30.35 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?1dvnkeyvuvh9bck
- F.A.V.L. - Cemento e follia (2011) (LQ)
- 19.68 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?189vm819yfc56oo
- Repudio Oi! - Orgullo y Violencia (demo, 2005)
- 6.79 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?g431b59gi1ed9dn
- Cold Revenge - De Lo Malo, Lo Peor! (2011)
- 30.45 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?n3euq1vf4h9c729
- Awaking the North - Here to Stay (2011)
- 19.95 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?4az56sh86sg17gx
- Defaillance - Vivre Punk Ou Mourir (2006)
- 9 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?vsytchlbm4fwxy4
- Jacques Mesrine Xperience - Broussard m'a tuer (2004)
- 15.73 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?x51p8zbi3grf4vl
- Rabbia - Demo Trento Oi! (2001)
- 34.44 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?vwkc8t3ah6nv46h
- Rabbia & Radio Destroy - Dead Or Alive (2003)
- 51.07 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?d84isktdajsdzi6
- Tados - Des Gars, des Os (2011)
- 42.04 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?vsu8kpqis25w3tg
- Contestazione - Non Ne Possiamo Piu (2004)
- 19 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?5001gz881aof5xj
- Insulto (Oi!, Marghera) - Demo
- 38.66 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?qrw0olmus643006
- V.A. - Geneve Soif 3 (2011)
- 98.12 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?41kl70knn7wg50p
- V.A. - Oi! Algo Esta Pasando (2011)
- 195 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?vs6mwpqec371196
- R.T.S. - Demo (2010)
- 10.88 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?1qkb03qhhewohjo
- Boot Boys - Juramos Vencer (2011) (9of10 songs)
- 74.76 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?xt7cgg537pcjb1y
- The Prowlers & Produzenten der Froide (2011)
- 33.76 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?b6fn5apeifb98d8
- I Vermi - I Érem... Ad Rependum!! (2010)
- 54.02 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?5w52l2peyo2768u
- Kro'n'Oï - Debout Les Morts (2008)
- 57.9 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?dsmxreev6k361cj
- Basanés 75 - Je me souviens (2011)
- 31.55 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?agz96fr51yq27tg
- Esalazione - Demo (2007)
- 34.37 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?sf2bfjkb1iw6iyh
- Guastafeste - Morte Alcoolica (Demo 1999)
- 22.44 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?bu086t366f1j531
- Payrolls, the - First Job (2011), Demo (2010)
- 44 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?fyerbrp1ksj8v78
- Kapelle Vorwärts - Brot und Rosen (2011)
- 64.77 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?egzb9b1bno6v2df
- Maraboots - ST 7'' (2011)
- 11.12 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ik422ubppqxpags
- Kultúrkör - Demo (2006)
- 10.91 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?2pq47jfq6bar6s8
- Mr. X Band, the - Maketa Del Sr. X (2008)
- 38.74 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?i2vs46fv27bcc78
- Trade Unions - Live C.P.A. Firenze (2006)
- 19.47 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ewiczyumdcz01nd
- Strangedz - Lieto Fine (2011)
- 18.86 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?4a82m65sbb84mk7
- Strikers (Streetpunk, EH) - Gure Izaera (2011)
- 23.44 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?9m85k2cyzycqp0u
- Chuche Ma Gaillette - Demo
- 25.24 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?0otaic2bk5i4dli
- Kavalkrade (Streetpunk, FR) - Demo
- 31.29 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?u6q9znhp1cupiru
- Pinta Facile - Attimi di Sconforto (2010)
- 5.96 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?35w1lw9uaugwtg7
- Pintxos & Garimbas - ST (2008)
- 18.34 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?b7yqx9xubztny9z
- Vampires & Generacion Rebelde - Split (2003)
- 55.09 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?hon7x60drhag3a5
- Adunata vs. Antiruggine - Da Costa A Costa
- 70.72 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?h11utr6r39ce6f3
- Les Kamioners Du Suicide - Une bonne soirée (2010)
- 26.31 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/453382955/LKDS-UBS.rar
- Viande Rouge (rehearsal)
- 34.38MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?jwzk66ufo4qb8zi
- Bastardi Senza Nome - Demo
- 12.21 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?cg4lhwb861cwcd8
- I Vermi - I Vermi
- 42.26 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?qs5w8wfqtflojk9
- Vuoti a Rendere (Oi!, Italy) - Contro Di Voi (2003)
- 19.37 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?84vm5raxiv6560n
- Vuoti a Rendere (Oi!, Italy) - Uniti (2004)
- 33.34 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?e92s2sbj64w8yoj
- Dave D'Azzardo (Street rock'n'roll) - Cattive Strade (2001)
- 30.66 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?b80xg4wloavhi5u
- Rastur Sistem - Nova Generacija (2008)
- 23.49 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?3ak8ti1i1ikuv13
- Kontainers (Oi!) - Kutre (demo)
- 25.21 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/453355447/K-K.rar
- Gli Ultimi - Questi Anni (2011)
- 21.59 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?66j61h4xhwwwomk
- K Net de Bieres - La Vie Comme On La Boit (2008)
- 14.87 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?t63ub26jhj2x7u8
- Duap - Gente di Strada (1997)
- 23.88 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?gd6bmn4qc1u4hhy
- Ultima Ripresa - Demo (2010)
- 3.99 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?5ab33bsdqn17ec3
- Charge 69 - Retour au Front (2010)
- 17.31 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?1ixpc4d7kn85n2q
- Oldfashioned Ideas - We're in this shit together (2010)
- 35.51 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?cj2o1a5i95zq79b
- Alerta - Siempre Más Fuertes (2010)
- 49.44 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/449842759/A-SMF.rar
- Red Soul Community - What Are You Doing (2010)
- 93.38 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?vz2xjmkcyhou38p
- Stampers - Live (2004)
- 26.35 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?2deurlddaxaeyi0
- Gradinata Nord - Valtellina Boyz (2010)
- 72.72 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?9xmpmm1ezizvo51
- No Heads & M-XVI - Split (2009)
- 50.95 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?fu52sbef4ilb4bq
- N.P.J. - Galtzeko Jaioak (2010)
- 30.97 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/446341056/NPJ-GJ.rar
- Bomber 80 - Demo (2010)
- 7.01 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?mxxxjdid526zp7j
- Officer Down & Mercyless - Nuestra hora llegará (2010)
- 27.66 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/444607589/OD_M-NHLL.rar
- Sindrome Oi! - If You Don´t Like It (2010)
- 25.97 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ade380xweyipqwt
- Allergia (Streetpunk) - Attitudine a Reagire (Demo, 1998)
- 28.83 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?sjlpflcinczbhsu
- Beberzio - Demo
- 28.39 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/440931343/B-D.rar
- Suzio 13 - Nuestra Suerte (2010)
- 33.61 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/440761058/S13-NS.rar
- Gavroche - Spettatori della Distruzione (2010)
- 62.01 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/438801655/G- SDD.rar
- Burned Ships - Promo (2010)
- 12.94 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?hr83hyua0sncdcr
- Bitov Terror - Demo (2010)
- 26.11 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?kxoa3v3vowe6ckk
- Birra Santa - Live studio session
- 28.55 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?iwcemp4g5ve6xkn
- My Own Voice - Perpetual State of Revolution (2010)
- 40.26 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/438802339/MOV- PSOR.rar
- Bobby Pins & The Saloon Soldiers - Dancing On The Moon (2009)
- 110.48 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?tnbu3nx4vichbie
- Mancha Negra - Demos
- 52.02 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?01773zugk9dctmx
- Ignotus - Punk 'n' Roll (2010)
- 41.22 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?bfggxlt99oah4zr
- Rest In Hate - Unidad (2010)
- 51.21 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/432257752/RIH-U.rar
- Doubling Boys - Denbora Aurrera Doa... (2010)
- 35.94 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/430804074/DB-DAD.rar
- The Freebooters - Ordinary Level Oi! (2010)
- 69.47 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?qfvb2cd7ybwf1v1
- Blood Pact - Fino All'ultima Goccia (2010)
- 34.61 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ibxo513p6s3xp6l
- Gum Bleed - No War But Class War (EP 2010)
- 25.04 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?yytd7y4qoqqd9qw
- Vuoti Persi - Generazione In Fiamme (2004)
- 29.32 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/430691907/VP-GIF.rar
- Short'n'Curlies - Bitter and Twisted (1996)
- 68.86 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/430691141/SNC-BNT.rar
- Block'oi (rehearsal 22.9.2007)
- 14.74 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/430687177/BO-R.rar
- Facção Opposta & Mão-de-Ferro - Split (2010)
- 87.92 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?153z39n10s67tw1
- Brigada Oi! - Ni un paso atras... La lucha continua! (2006)
- 99 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?b2bx79if0fh04fa
- Azione Diretta - Rabbia (Demo)
- 32.46 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?wq4aqnm3pqumca4
- Duff Hooligans - Los Elegantes Chicos De La Clase Obrera (2007)
- 28.25 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?v83v6ec0bkinu2v
- Demencials, the - Per tu... (2009)
- 47.35 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ebo6ogtofwdfe9q
- Keltoi! - A Nosa Cinza (2010)
- 32.79 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?aedvankgl0ooq86
- Oi! se Arma - Viernes 8 de Agosto (CDEP, 2010)
- 23.50 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?0h9xruzeboftn24
- Woody Cunts - Fuori Dal Branco (2010)
- 21.64 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?6gyrqeft8rizzyj
- Les Kamioners du Suicide - Live in Florac (2009)
- 33.60 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?093grymfaadc7ij
- Komando Itinerante - Demo
- 14.93 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/425965300/KI-D.rar
- Jungle Urbaine - Démo
- 45.34 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?dporpg0km5rv96l
- Midnight Rovers, the - Suburb Rock'n'Roll (2010)
- 31.65 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/425967262/MR-SRNR.rar
- Comrade - Demo Tape (1990)
- 25.49 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?he3c912ckwi7299
- Comrade & Oi Polloi - Unite And Win (Live, 1988)
- 142 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?dfsn7arpe6nxss7
- Young Soul Rebel - Black clouds and no tears (2010)
- 51.79 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?j2oblb4glb48xl3
- 16 de Abril - Demo
- 18.95 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?4zmjzq9g98knvzf
- Dieciseis Familia - Demo
- 19.41 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/417191471/16F-D.rar
- 210 - Pervaja Krov
- 34.67 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/327659740/210-PK.rar
- 45 Adapters - Demo
- 29.33 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?j1czt40qs4kx6xw
- 45 Adapters - Not one more day
- 25.29 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ksybgz71d1ardnn
- 4 moors - Costa Nord
- 24.00 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?20p5wh0xzdsd8xo
- 5MDR - Stato di alerta
- 20.45 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?v3d3s3of707s43z
- 5MDR - Via di qua
- 61.67 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?cqu4e8y1yt19dgh
- Donkey Work - Kick up a Recket! (2010)
- 86.88 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?hhyc5myzqe8p8c3
- Exploto Zurullos - Declaracion de Intenciones (2005)
- 30.94 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?hhyc5myzqe8p8c3
- CDT! - Best Of Demos
- 21.76 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?he3c912ckwi7299
- Antisociali - Antisociali (2003)
- 22.92 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ozdrukh4x5qtaok
- Assert - Bulletin (2006)
- 31.22 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/359739720/A-B.rar
- Antiruggine - Ci Siamo Anche N'Oi!
- 29.11 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?kbpaebxpdr21ds5
- Apostoloi - Demo 2 (2006)
- 13.13 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ky0gcgsur8bqs66
- Akuma (CAN) - ...Des Cendres et du d_sespoir (2006)
- 32.51 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?460x1ookez84msu
- Adunata - Devi Resistere
- 36.23 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/120726839/A-DR.rar
- Assert - Insurrection Rocks (2001)
- 24.52 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/162384822/A-IR.rar
- Anticops - In The Eyes Of A Dying Man (2006)
- 48.09 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/90026956/A-ITEOADM.rar
- Assert - Left Opposition (1999)
- 42.78 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/162390469/A-LO.rar
- Ariabascia - Mi Ni Vogliu Pisa (2007)
- 115.26 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/141780264/A-MNVP.rar
- Answer - Ni Oblit Ni Perdo (2008)
- 37.36 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/141784317/A-NONP.rar
- Attaccabrighe - Promo CD (2010)
- 26.06 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?j8a7ecgdrks4tdh
- Adversion - Poder y Gloria (2008)
- 96.73 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?4hvmdqn80rbpufp
- Agresion - Sin Piedad (2007)
- 31.05 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?b2exm9aup3jivmz
- Assalt 43 - Nuestro Camino
- 50.55 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?0qntw81oyahsbus
- Automatica Aggregazione - Ancora Noi... Ancora Oi! (2010)
- 35.74 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?nnm1hysq3j07mfm
- Automatica Aggregazione - Demo
- 11.56 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/61080691/AA-D.rar
- Anarchy Boys - Oi! The Sound From Teenage
- 37.07 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?79b93wlmcmbuhbt
- Agresion Callejera - Agresion Callejera (Demo 2003)
- 22.40 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?79b93wlmcmbuhbt
- Aggressive Combat - Etorkizun iluna
- 45.16 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/51827934/AC-EI.rar
- A Fora De Arrastu - Istorias (2004)
- 38.06 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/168382756/AFDA-I.rar
- A Fora De Arrastu & Feccia Tricolore - Split (2008)
- 24.20 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/168377884/AFDA_FT-S.rar
- Atarassia Grop - Aqui Estamos
- 50.31 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/28877062/AG-AE.rar
- Atarassia Grop - Fantasmi
- 22.30 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/28881505/AG-F.rar
- Atarassia Grop - L'Involuzione Della Specie
- 34.50 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/29051825/AG-LIDS.rar
- Atarassia Grop - Nonsipuofermareilvento
- 45.75 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/29058249/AG-N.rar
- AK-47 (CAN) - Free Palestine
- 49.04 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/8677667/AK-47-FP.rar
- AK-47 (CAN) - AK-47 (2010)
- 49.69 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/410859292/AK47-AK47.rar
- AK-47 (HH) - Fuori Dal Centro
- 39.74 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/78678431/AK47-FDC.rar
- AK-47 (CAN) - Now You'll Know (1997
- 68.18 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/224985452/AK47-NYWK.rar
- AK-47 (CAN) - Red Anthem (1999)
- 44.35 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/52465209/AK47-RA.rar
- AK-47 (CAN) - The Fucking Enemy (2005)
- 23.55 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?uqay1hi2c8e7n41
- Alkol'Oi! - Demo (2007)
- 47.37 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/162396865/AO-D.rar
- Agitation-Propagande - Quel Combat?
- 11.32 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?q0kcemh0t1954ce
- Attentat Sonore - Syndrome De Stockholm (2008)
- 55.03 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/224988182/AS-SDS_B1905.rar
- Anal Skins & The Strong - Split (2008)
- 8.04 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?tu8t549t87ekpkk
- A.S.C.O - Por Un Infierno Mas Digno (2009)
- 36.94 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?32n67dsda9524gg
- Anti-Tregua - Golpes Bajos (Demo, 2009)
- 28.24 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?323j2ymkfxbxb38
- Adeptos Vehementes - Demo (2007) (complete - 8 tracks)
- 24.84 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?x1ensnvvqd3l1o1
- Aqui y Ahora - Los Condenados A Luchar (2006)
- 25.97 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?tocwlcuz5l17i1p
- Barricade (PA) - Be Heard (2006)
- 45.91 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/55767809/B-BH.rar
- Bierkampf - Cuore Duro
- 16.27 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?xap92l0n84der0q
- Bois, The - Cream Of The Crops
- 37.76 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/102271069/B-COTC.rar
- The Bayonets - Demo
- 31.49 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/34908266/B-D.rar
- Bukaneros - Demo (7 tracks)
- 22.88 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?znkktdq9847glai
- Barricade (PA) - Demo (2004)
- 7.51 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/55768400/B-D.rar
- Barbarians, the - Grito de Union (2008)
- 62.77 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?32n67dsda9524gg
- The Bayonets - Our Fight
- 50.66 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/35164729/B-OF.rar
- Beta 36 - Demo (2008)
- 13.64 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?9rkxhqg8ao4h73g
- Bootstroke & Jungle Fever - Pride of Athens (Split, 2010)
- 87.52 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/404778517/B_JF-POA.rar
- Brigadir + Krasnyj Gorizont - Split (2008) 44kHz
- 29.35 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?h4x3fx4e8pygnr4
- Brigata Alcolica - 2 Agosto 1980 (2005)
- 42.78 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?oqh22bpcy0tlka0
- Brat Attack - Destruction Sound System (2003)
- 35.51 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/90032071/BA-DSS.rar
- Brat Attack - From This Beauty Comes Chaos And Mayhem (2005)
- 20.95 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?y5kcvjnu3lovm8d
- Banda Armada - Que Vamos A Hacer (1998)
- 28.22 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/396374239/BA-QVAH.rar
- Brigata Alcoolica & The Sicks - Split
- 39.21 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/149059358/BA_TS.rar
- Buddha Bulldozer - Beer Karma (2006)
- 19.85 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?v82cs1skykxk28y
- Betty Boots - Carpe Diem (2009)
- 32.56 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/417191924/BB-CD.rar
- Barra Brava - Mala Racha y La Working Class
- 43.72 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/18291017/BB-MRYLWC.rar
- Bull Brigade (ex Banda Del Rione) - Strade Smarrite (2008)
- 39.33 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ph40swbk9wja75n
- Bad Bloods, the - The Brew Sessions (2007)
- 37.03 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?g43p74u1asyibkn
- Brixton Cats - Brixton Cats (Album 2004)
- 101.98 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?6j9osah75ggd7qq
- B.C. bombs - 09 Old School (2009)
- 25.41 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?uo25m7aatya6zrg
- Brigata Cani Da Birra - Non dimentichiamo, non perdoniamo (2009)
- 28.16 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?5wvaje7ligiqa12
- Brigata Cani Da Birra - Demo
- 22.98 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?2q138p0zll7c3k2
- Boxing Dogs, the - And We Just Wanna Be Your Dogs (2008)
- 13.71 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/375529922/BD-AWJWBYD.rar
- Brutus' Daughters - When The Pubs Are Dying (2010)
- 35.78 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/375530965/BD-WTPAD.rar
- Boxing Dogs & NONE - Sp(l)it In Your Face (Split, 2010)
- 33.49 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/404780405/BD_N-SIYF.rar
- Band Del Cazzo 6 studio songs
- 14.56 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?g8yrdxdiz77zwe4
- Brigada de Porkeria - Porkeria del Tercer Mundo
- 16.35 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?u9es154smz813lg
- Banda del Rione - Quale Destino per Noi
- 34.37 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/12622698/BDR-QDPN.rar
- Brutti e Ignoranti - Alla Faccia Vostra (2009)
- 81.71 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?xf61uv10grhlgol
- Babylon Fighters - Shut Up, Don't Shutdown
- 77.85 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/262640533/BF-SUDNSD.rar
- Brigada Flores Magon - Tout Pour Tous (2007)
- 37.40 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?77no26coulbf14a
- Banned From The Pub - Live Valence (2009)
- 37.22 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?4iqoqffb2b9js9p
- Bez Izhod - Demo
- 7.15 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/102272175/BI-D.rar
- Blaggers I.T.A. - On Yer Toez
- 86.65 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/1372165/BITA-OYT.rar
- Brigata Libertaria - Promo + Bonus
- 17.29 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?s754a3si6di3m4y
- BelfegOi! - Az urdog nem alszik!
- 64.08 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?huy74gur2ri12zo
- Bastardos Oi! - Demo
- 17.92 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?9rkxhqg8ao4h73g
- Brigada Pinochoi! - Live (18-01-2003)
- 13.76 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/109732622/BP-L.rar
- Brigata Parcoflorida - Canzoni Nuove
- 19.81 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?jl7gbs7m964fp1f
- Birra Santa
- 37.29 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?1ht1udfbruup9o7
- Bitov Teror - Demo
- 12.27 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/149066159/BT-D.rar
- Born To Hate - Born To Hate (2007)
- 18.73 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?1n8c24bhatjx26f
- Brigata Vilipendio (Oi!) - Vilipendio
- 12.69 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?grxf491b2brg3fd
- Cartouche - Concert a la miroiterie (2006)
- 65.30 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/96143381/C-CALM.rar
- Commandantes - Fur Brot und Freiheit
- 70.98 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/90041380/C-FBUF.rar
- Cartouche - Je trahirai demain
- 50.05 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/96149594/C-JTD.rar
- Catorce Agujeros - 14 Agujeros
- 40.19 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?znkktdq9847glai
- The Class Assassins - State Of Emergency (2002)
- 61.13 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/18284655/CA-SOE.rar
- Class Assassins, the - You've Got It All Wrong (2010)
- 76.31 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/404782778/CA-YHGIAW.rar
- Contra as Cordas - Por V�s (Demo, 2010)
- 23.68 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?yea5578w8d67lyz
- Controllo a Distanza - Il Disagio Non e Reato (2006)
- 30.68 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?7gb6p73p793ch1z
- Cor Fort - Actitud (2010)
- 49.92 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?sccz9w4n6av9kre
- Chaoskins - Niente Da Voi (2005)
- 16.55 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?raa50ppes1aaxta
- Colonna Infame Skinhead - Discography (2001)
- 42.24 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?f7ndmat7skv6e87
- Camarada Kalashnikov - Mans, Ment I Cor (2008)
- 40.66 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?v9gk1ln58b8k0f7
- Camaleon Oi x Oi! - Nueva Sangre
- 41.52 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?2dzyfedhzz7rxs8
- Ciurma Skins (ex Antiruggine) - Ciurma Skins (2007)
- 27.81 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/133559586/CS-CS.rar
- Classical Slum - Rude Kids
- 26.39 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?wepo56ansge344c
- Crash Sur Vos Tombes - Crash Sur Vos Tombes
- 31.31 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?bw1lj433cm98d7g
- Crash Sur Vos Tombes & M.U.L. - Split CD (2004)
- 27.28 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?iyzbe5b08602k6z
- Call To Arms - Dead End Youth
- 28.70 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/142953295/CTA-DEY.rar
- Class War Kids, the - Reflection! Rage! Rebellion! (2009)
- 39.07 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/309420439/CWK-RRR.rar
- Class War Kids, The - Strong People Need No Leader (2008)
- 25.59 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/138167025/CWK-SPNNL.rar
- Duap - Anti Patria (demo 1995)
- 47.83 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/36234481/D-AP.rar
- Derkovbois - Demo
- 18.80 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/52469595/D-D.rar
- Destr-Oi! - Ez Etsi
- 31.59 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?8logs855g6k4slj
- Dvadcatye - EP (2010)
- 17.93 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?305xc5j1w8s2veb
- Derkovbois - Mindent Egy Lapra (2005)
- 31.86 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?a46y42qq54b835y
- Defaillance (CAN) - Mort Vivant
- 17.96 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?gndo42z3a9ux2x0
- Duap - Solo Per Noi
- 41.58 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?x1di9p8aehmllu2
- Direttiva 16 - Questa Cittá (2005)
- 31.42 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?dykn66imq3gym8x
- Direttiva 16 - Amore Precario
- 53.53 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?algjiz1js47vmgz
- DCP - Fino A Qui Tutto Bene (EP, 2009)
- 19.33 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?4cxehdbss3cva9t
- Division d'Honneur (BFM, Bolchoi..) - Live (2006)
- 58.12 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/309422024/DdH-L.rar
- Desperta Ferro - Segueu Arran (2006)
- 64.29 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?3m9befl7kk59k9k
- Devorados Por El Odio - Devorados Por El Odio
- 42.56 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ko9bkf5s9dkvan6
- Doner Skins - Promo (Samplerbeitrage-Live-Proberaum)
- 31.65 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?jy8ijjgwj55qknw
- Embuskade - Embuskade (Ska-Punk, France)
- 18.81 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?x4z7be1xz1iigcc
- Ennecibbi - Na Cosa Brutta (2009)
- 34.85 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?lz42w4tq0aokent
- Enboskada - Zilegi Al Da (2008)
- 37.61 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/102301945/E-ZAD.rar
- Espiritu Callejero - Ensayo perdido
- 24.23 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?4mj5ywd6117ywea
- El Furibundo Serna - El Pueblo Unido (2003)
- 55.30 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/58276678/EFS-EPU.rar
- Enraged Minority - Enraged Minority (2010)
- 51.01 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?sxjqaq7nyj6kqxx
- Estandarte Oi! - Estirpe Luchadora (2009)
- 31.00 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?g8i4ir42n93gthn
- Edelweiss Piraten (PL) - Kolejne Ofiary Zmarnowanych Pieniedzy
- 34.67 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/117611041/EP-KOZP.rar
- Esclaves Salaries - Ca Augure Mal (2007)
- 29.03 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?7nvtzxqc11e0zrx
- Esclaves Salaries - Dur a battre (2003)
- 17.93 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?q75x3ycx27504r4
- Freiboiter - Rock City
- 39.88 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?zw734qqwwe5f7yt
- Freiboiter - Riot Radio (2008)
- 34.52 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?wifdcuhp57bxwy2
- Fettsoi! - Saustall
- 72.06 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/36226923/F-S.rar
- Fate 2 Hate - Fight for Yoursel (Demo)
- 13.26 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/280335111/F2H-FFY.rar
- Fate 2 Hate - Iron Fist
- 23.90 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?4ib9b464s73faoo
- Ficha 39 - A Toda Ostia
- 54.64 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/42757443/F39-ATO.rar
- Fred Alpi - Les Chiens Mangent Les Chiens (2003)
- 53.01 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/136360420/FA-LCHMLCH.rar
- Five Boots - Five Boots
- 34.40 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/166260210/FB-FB.rar
- Five Boots - Le Nostre Piccole Storie (1995)
- 21.79 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/166263321/FB-LNPS.rar
- Fighting Chance (CAN) - Party Lies (2007)
- 13.38 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?yldl49dp00684qx
- Figli Di Alex - Guerra Agli Oppressori (2004)
- 20.81 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/30695353/FDA-GAO.rar
- Figli Di Alex - No Chiacchere, Botte! (2004)
- 14.80 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/158732132/FDA-NCHB.rar
- Filo Da Torcere - Filo Da Torcere
- 50.47 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?g1h0rcjhvlta333
- Falkon Kresta - Solo Hay Un Camino
- 20.51 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?g4ngesesj3b2skl
- Feccia Oi! - Live
- 29 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?wsw1c6goo01gebg
- Fegyelmezo Reszleg - Aludna a Varos
- 44.01 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/51832290/FR-AAV.rar
- Fegyelmezo Reszleg - Nem Tartakot
- 41.89 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/51836527/FR-NTA.rar
- Feccia Rossa - Sempre contro
- 32.52 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?tt71xmh48ogd8br
- Feccia Rossa - Obbligati ad Odiare
- 38 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?mbe3q8qn2pszcp2
- Full Speed Ahead - Unchain The Chained (2002)
- 32.47 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/72295613/FSA-UTCH.rar
- Fill sor I Knout, the - Tu Fin Sera Ignorado
- 39.95 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?1pt0w7khr8yzmwv
- Feccia Tricolore - Feccia Tricolore (2006)
- 28.20 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/168385976/FT-FT.rar
- Far To Close (Streetpunk, Oi!, Belgium) - True Ways
- 40.04 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?6t5ssfrsalp0m3d
- Full Time Skins - Red Skins And Proud
- 46.91 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/262642509/FTS-RSAP.rar
- Frangia Violenta - Demo (2005)
- 10.11 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/90043286/FV-D.rar
- Freiboiter & Youngang - Brave new world (2006)
- 62.99 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ig5f4db7naxcre1
- Freiboiter - Party Pur (2001)
- 14.99 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?5ijqas3wrt6yn6y
- Frode - Giustizia Proletaria (Demo, 2007)
- 33.20 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?g75qye7vq428eed
- Gomeru - Bales De Rabia (2008) (Proper)
- 56.84 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/196990756/G-BDR.rar
- Garrotada - Demo
- 36.41 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/83203005/G-D.rar
- Gazapos - Maqueta '95
- 19.51 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/96186850/G-D95.rar
- Gags, the - Die For Freedom
- 37.91 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/210245149/G-DFF.rar
- Guacamaya - Fino All'ultimo Bandito (2009)
- 21.50 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/327672360/G-FAUB.rar
- Gavroche - Ragazzo Come Noi (2008)
- 28.50 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/131437421/G-RCN.rar
- Gavroche - Santena Oi!
- 21.63 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/69025555/G-S.rar
- Gnev (Punk, Oi!) - Zlost Seryh Ulic (2008)
- 28.79 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/177347927/G-ZSU.rar
- Ghetto 84 - A Denti Stretti
- 44.05 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/52476149/G84-ADS.rar
- Gozzilla E Le Tre Bambine Coi Baffi - Al Bar Dei Leoni
- 43.31 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/193042595/GELTBCB-ABDL.rar
- Gonna Get Yours - The Hidden Side Of Hapiness (2009)
- 10.16 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/290772836/GGY-THSOH.rar
- Guardia Negra - Adrenalina
- 58.99 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/4551977/GN-A.rar
- Grand Theft Age - Sare Una Risata Che Vi Seppellira (2008)
- 30.68 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/359753263/GTA-SURCHVS.rar
- Gli Ultimi - Gli Ultimi (2009)
- 33.59 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/309422956/GU-GU.rar
- Haine - Mai Piu
- 40.12 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/210251294/H-MP.rar
- Hell To Pay - Truth, Honor, Family (2008)
- 27.16 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/417192951/H2P-THF.rar
- Hold a Grudge - Doing Time (2010)
- 25.21 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/388143724/HAG-DT.rar
- Hold a Grudge - Hold a Grudge (128kbit)
- 20.93 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/164337113/HaG-HaG.rar
- Hell Beer Boys - Heroes De La Noche (2010)
- 50.07 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/420980975/HBB-HDLN.rar
- Hors Controle - Beni, Maudit (2010)
- 71.37 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/367154839/HC-BM.rar
- Hors Controle - Biere musique et amitie
- 45.49 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/37534611/HC-BMEA.rar
- Hors Controle - Ca Joue Ou Bien (2004)
- 21.21 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/37557573/HC-CJOB.rar
- Hors Controle - Eponyme
- 35.36 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/37554786/HC-E.rar
- Hors Controle - Enfants Du Charbon (2008)
- 61.72 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/119052679/HC-EDCH.rar
- Hors Controle - Liberte Surveillee (2003)
- 49.09 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/37549774/HC-LS.rar
- Hijos Del 77 - Vivos En La Memoria (2008)
- 57.40 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/168392606/HD77-VELM.rar
- Head Kick - Concert a Alella (2008);Primer Concert (2007)
- 73.95 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/359755635/HK-2L.rar
- Head Kick - Fire and Glory (Demo, 2009)
- 17.24 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/396376275/HK-FaG.rar
- Heavy Manners - Heavier Than Now (1996)
- 56.28 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/388144735/HM-HTN.rar
- Hoods Up 495 -Demo (pre Moscow Death Brigade, Razor Bois)
- 19.86 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/168394701/HU495-D.rar
- Insulto - Insulto Oi!
- 40.20 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/42760421/I-IO.rar
- Insurgentes - Mensajes De Revuelta
- 36.37 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/35837759/I-MDR.rar
- Inerdzia - Sasso carta forbice
- 33.01 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/18745922/I-SCF.rar
- Intifada (Bogota) - Toma La Piedra y Enfrenta
- 50.78 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/164352278/I-TLPyE.rar
- Inerdzia - Tu Puoi
- 38.57 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/18767030/I-TP.rar
- Inzurgenzia - Violentos y Orgullosos
- 17.00 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/359799405/I-VYG.rar
- Intervenzione - Walls of Shame
- 43.20 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/22109251/I-WOS.rar
- Istinto Antifascista & Subculture Voice - Split (2005)
- 39.48 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/69029869/IA_SV.rar
- Ivan Drago's - Pavillon Noir (2007)
- 54.57 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/238140844/ID-PN.rar
- I.D.P. - Istituzioni di Diritto Proletario
- 15.99 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/196953090/IDP-IDdP.rar
- Jeunesse Apatride - Larmes Aux Poings (2008)
- 35.65 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/124333660/JA-LAP.rar
- J'Aurais Voulu - Le feu sacre (2007)
- 56.59 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/109747484/JAV-LFS.rar
- Jonny Gerriwelt - Living With Class (2009)
- 34.61 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/327673362/JG-LWC.rar
- Katyusha - Benzina Sul Fuoco (2008)
- 58.89 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/155000563/K-BSF.rar
- Kalashnikov - Oi! HxC, Galiza)
- 7.93 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/102273150/K-D.rar
- Kerhun (rock proletaire) - La Voix Des Travailleurs (MCD 1998)
- 30.66 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/245989373/K-LVDT.rar
- Kroska - Punk Ska Meme Combat (2009)
- 36.11 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/404785904/K-PSMC.rar
- Kreuzfeldt Jacob (Oi!, Punk, France) - A Nous l'Elysee
- 56.82 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/404784875/KJ-ANLE.rar
- Klasse Kriminale - Oi! una Storia (2010)
- 80.24 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/413935622/KK-OUS.rar
- Klasse Kriminale - Strength & Unity (2007)
- 54.58 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/90046551/KK-SaU.rar
- Klasova Omraza - Demo
- 11.72 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/193047030/KO-D.rar
- Kids of the Streets - Under Attack (2010)
- 82.88 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/417193911/KOTS-UA.rar
- Kattiva Reputazione - Qualcuno Ti Colpisce (2009)
- 62.95 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/214076415/KR-QTC.rar
- Lumpen - In Ogni Caso Nessun Rimorso [2005]
- 26.92 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/19820301/L-IOCNR.rar
- Loikaemie - Loikaemie (2007)
- 43.37 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/66689920/L-L.rar
- Lager33 (Oi!) - Violencia, Futbol y Cerveza
- 25.87 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/272065527/L33-VFC.rar
- La Banda Del Destierro - Camino Y Reviento (2008)
- 33.23 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/177374016/LBDD-CYR.rar
- Los Calvos - Nuestra Libertad (2006)
- 19.21 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/122626480/LC-NL.rar
- Los Calvos - Tonico Para La Rumba(14+9 bonus live)
- 47.36 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/122631078/LC-TPLR.rar
- Linea De Fuego (Montesa) - Demo (2008)
- 14.48 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/196955708/LDF-D.rar
- Linea de Fuego - Miedo al Fracaso (2010)
- 49.06 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/417194593/LDF-MAF.rar
- Los Fastidios - All'Arrembaggio (2009)
- 57.89 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/243340698/LF-AA.rar
- Los Foiros - Los Foiros (2007)
- 59.47 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/90267903/LF-LF.rar
- Les Fous Du Roi - Demo
- 23.09 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/196959676/LFDR-D.rar
- La Gachette - En Route Vers Demain
- 34.87 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/40564710/LG-ERVD.rar
- Linx - 9 tracks
- 37.62 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/90048713/LINX.rar
- Le Mors Aux Dents - 1000 Raisons de Gueuler (198x)
- 20.54 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/417196239/LMAD-MRDG.rar
- Les Orties - Demo (2003) (6tracks)
- 17.42 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/193050292/LO-D.rar
- Les Partisans - Le Spectre Danse Encore (EP)
- 21.69 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/193105870/LP-LSDE.rar
- Lecsa Punk - Remalom (2000)
- 31.54 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/210255083/LP-R.rar
- Lenino Prospektas & NetvarkOi! (Split 2006)
- 24.83 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/120735688/LP_N.rar
- Lion Shield - Against All Odds! (2007)
- 54.75 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/96204202/LS-AAO.rar
- Les Skorsoners - Live (St Aub)
- 66.19 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/388145995/LS-L.rar
- Last Stand + Noonday Underground (Split EP 1984)
- 10.46 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/146868915/LS_NU.rar
- L'ultime Atome/Jeune Seigneur/
- 16.29 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/138190356/LUAJS.rar
- Moskovoi! (10 tracks)
- 27.00 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/149177513/M-BAL.rar
- Mouthguard - Born Out Of Disgust (2001)
- 32.43 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/127883388/M-BOOD.rar
- Maltchiques - Demo (2004)
- 13.56 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/210256178/M-D.rar
- Molodoi - Dragon Libre
- 86.48 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/24295182/M-DL.rar
- Mouthguard - One More Round (CD, 2008)
- 40.73 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/388146801/M-OMR.rar
- Mouthguard - One More Round (2008 EP)
- 53.35 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/396386162/M-OMR.rar
- Molodoi - Rebelle Anonyme
- 85.66 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/24307833/M-RA.rar
- M-16 - Demo (2009)
- 16.03 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/327675970/M16-D.rar
- Mouthguard & Hard x Times
- 7.64 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/127879966/M_HT.rar
- Messi In Croce - Non E Ancora Finita
- 28.42 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/140240203/MIC-NEAF.rar
- N6 - N6
- 14.46 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/388147095/N6-N6.rar
- N6 - Sputando Mosche (2010)
- 39.19 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/388147962/N6-SM.rar
- Nuts & Bolts - Nuts & Bolts (2004)
- 30.63 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/158738788/NaB-NaB.rar
- Nuts & Bolts - We Don't Wanna Wake Up (2007)
- 42.49 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/158745283/NaB-WDNWWU.rar
- Natural Born Drinkers - Sz 8
- 52.90 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/151108245/NBD-SZ8.rar
- Nacidos Del Odio - Orgullo Punk & Skin (2008)
- 47.78 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/177369261/NDO-OPaS.rar
- Neallta Fola - Iraultza
- 56.07 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/375533214/NF-I.rar
- N.F.R. (Nessuna Fottuta Regola) (Oi!) - Official Bootleg
- 22.78 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/309424369/NFR-OB.rar
- No Good Heroes - Radio Rebelde
- 33.30 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/409267751/NGH-RR.rar
- No Heads (Oi!) - EP (2009)
- 38.01 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/309425433/NH-EP.rar
- Noise&Oi! - Noise & Oi!
- 26.07 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/1333753/NO-NO.rar
- No One Else - Nikto, krome tebja! (2010)
- 53.19 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/375534656/NOE-NKT.rar
- NxPxIx - Ni Olvido Ni Perdon (2009)
- 33.77 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/194080973/NPI-NONP.rar
- Nada Que Perder - Nada Que Perder (2007)
- 41.08 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/176350722/NQP-NQP.rar
- Next Round - Svjataja Krov' Trebuet Vozmezdija (2010)
- 33.45 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/375535565/NR-SKTV.rar
- Never Surrender - 11 Istorio, Broncka eta Gau Ero (2010)
- 31.77 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/396386988/NS-11IBEGE.rar
- Ofisboyz - Bosphorus Pride (2009)
- 26.16 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/309427196/O-BP.rar
- Offensiva - Crumiro (Demo 2006)
- 12.64 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/30710471/O-C.rar
- Oppugno - Oppugno (2010)
- 53.04 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/396388356/O-O.rar
- Oltrecortina (Cesare, Erode singer) - Vieni Con Me (Demo 1999)
- 31.54 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/149074079/O-VCM.rar
- Orreaga 778 - Aurrera! (2009)
- 35.53 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/375536506/O778-A.rar
- Ol'Cunts - Rock'n'Roll Bastards (LP, 2007)
- 73.53 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/404786662/OC-RNRB.rar
- Oi! Mates - Vetkozz Le Magadtol (2006)
- 81.74 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/238142925/OIM-VLM.rar
- Opcio K-95 - Cap Oportunitat
- 24.35 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/8634846/OK-95-CO.rar
- Opcio K-95 - Mai Morirem
- 36.88 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/8639607/OK-95-MM.rar
- Opcio K-95 - Terra Cremada
- 63.40 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/8645809/OK-95-TC.rar
- V.A. - Oi! l'album (2009) (unreleased tracks from bands at Un Vie Pour Rien?)
- 35.79 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/290776090/OLA.rar
- Oi! n'Ast - Sangre Y Fierru
- 36.39 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/119058037/ONA-SYF.rar
- Ostiada Oi! - Behin Betiko
- 28.34 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/1299532/OO-BB.rar
- Opinio Publica - Miserable (2010)
- 55.64 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/404787432/OP-M.rar
- Oi! Squad - Loud And Proud (EP 2008)
- 20.75 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/224990563/OS-LAP.rar
- Oi! Se Arma - Ya Es Domingo (Live Demo)
- 20.86 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/59513574/OSA-YED.rar
- Old Style Values & Bystreet - V Nashih Serdcah (2009)
- 53.21 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/238144272/OSV_B-VNS.rar
- Oi! The Arrase - 2009 (3 new song from them)
- 9.35 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/327676245/OTA-2009.rar
- Punysfora - Coratge! (2009)
- 68.57 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/396390287/P-C.rar
- Prowlers - Hair Today Gone Tomorrow
- 79.58 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/4813385/P-HTGT.rar
- Prisoners - La Solita Realta (2004)
- 54.68 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/309428539/P-LSR.rar
- Paragraf 119 - Du Har Ikke En Chance (2003)
- 52.36 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/12327943/P119-DHIECH.rar
- Paragraf 119 - Musik Til Ulempe
- 16.60 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/12329691/P119-MTU.rar
- Paragraf 119 - Stotteplade For Anarchist Black Cross
- 24.74 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/12332156/P119-SFABC.rar
- Paranoi 13 - Ctrl C - Ctrl V - New Demo, 10 tracks (2008)
- 36.21 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/196950100/P13-CCCV_D2.rar
- P38 Punk - Vittime E Carnefici (2008)
- 16.89 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/224990987/P38P-VEC.rar
- Paricide 51 (Oi!) - Demo
- 29.47 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/262644773/P51-D.rar
- Produzenten der Froide - Ready For Love (2009)
- 69.08 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/238146128/PDF-RFL.rar
- Produzenten der Froide - Stuttgart bei Nacht (2007)
- 60.43 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/149081281/PDF-SBN.rar
- Pessimo Esempio - Bassano
- 34.29 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/359757614/PE-B.rar
- Pinta Facile - Cattivi Pensieri (2008)
- 35.93 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/140270339/PF-CP.rar
- Punysfora - Maqueta D'Assaig (2004)
- 6.36 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/220002264/PF-D.rar
- Plastic Guns - Dead End Citizens
- 60.61 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/193088312/PG-DEC.rar
- Prima Linea Skinheads + 4b-Union - Italy vs Japan (2004)
- 40.19 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/74531269/PLS_4BU.rar
- Proletarios Oi! - Aun Nos Queda (2005)
- 15.63 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/54691030/PO-ANQ.rar
- Puno Obrero - Skinhead (Demo, 2007)
- 12.17 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/205562439/PO-S.rar
- Pubblico Oltraggio & Mess Mess Mess - Split (2008)
- 73.42 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/238148017/PO_MMM-S.rar
- Prisoners Of War - Ciutat Vella (2005)
- 28.22 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/69023235/POW-CV.rar
- Piovono Pietre - Demo (2007)
- 75.90 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/375538473/PP-D.rar
- Remont - Alkoholipsis (Demo 2006)
- 14.27 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/205566449/R-A.rar
- Razzapparte - Briganti (2010)
- 45.67 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/375552643/R-B.rar
- Redweiler - Bordeaux Saigne (2008)
- 26.26 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/163004276/R-BS.rar
- Redkick - Demo (2005)
- 24.13 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/290776962/R-D.rar
- Reacao - Alcool Oi! E Baderna (Demo + Live 2005)
- 30.97 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/196943154/R-D_L.rar
- Ruidosos (Punk Oi!, Italy) - Ditelo Col Fuoco
- 12.82 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/166269701/R-DCF.rar
- Rebelion - Destruye El Estado (2007)
- 52.27 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/177383142/R-DEE.rar
- Remences - Fills de la classe obrera
- 32.28 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/16728467/R-FDLCO.rar
- Rebelde - Fratelli Di Sangue
- 24.21 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/25666135/R-FDS.rar
- Represalia - La Veu D un Poble
- 22.28 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/120742541/R-LVDUP.rar
- Rancore - Rifiuto (2005)
- 27.42 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/50517380/R-R.rar
- Remont & Counterbuff - Split (2008)
- 42.74 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/205565353/R_CB-S.rar
- Rebelde & Veleno Sociale (split)
- 23.89 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/25670015/R_VS.rar
- R.A.B & Rabhop - Francs Tireurs Punks (2009)
- 50.14 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/359759160/RAB_R-FTP.rar
- RedBanner - No Ens Aturaran (part 1: tracks 1 - 11 + 19, 20)
- 83.15 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/25690931/RB-NEA_1_.rar
- RedBanner - No Ens Aturaran (part 2: tracks 12-18 - Cataluny Punk_s)
- 48.25 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/25696477/RB-NEA_2-CP_.rar
- Razor Bois - Razor Bois (2008) (VBR V0)
- 48.23 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/168399468/RB-RB.rar
- Red Banner - Una Altra Historia (2009)
- 49.20 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/212191440/RB-UAH.rar
- Red Card - Geroi spal'nyh rajonov (2009)
- 13.43 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/272068719/RC-GSR.rar
- Rear Gunners - We Don't Want No Nazi Skins (EP 1999)
- 12.28 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/290777354/RG-WDWNNS.rar
- Rabia Proletaria - Tiempos de Guerra (Demo)
- 28.33 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/162414369/RP-TDG.rar
- Runnin Riot - Reclaim The Streets
- 49.85 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/8734956/RR-RTS.rar
- Rude Riot (Oi! Core, Italy) - Skinhead Pride (2002)
- 24.22 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/388148653/RR-SP.rar
- Roots Rock Rebel - Soli Su Una Croce
- 24.62 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/219988242/RRR-SSUC.rar
- Rebel Spell - Days Of Rage (2005)
- 42.43 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/45195976/RS-DOR.rar
- Rebel Spell - Expression In Laymens Terms (2003)
- 29.24 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/45198190/RS-EILT.rar
- Red Star Soundsystem - Erste Schritte
- 27.70 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/133575396/RSS-ES.rar
- V.A. - Reds Strike The Blues - A Tribute To The Redskins (2005) (tracklist -_ http://members.chello.cz/rs2/music/redsstrike.html )
- 68.06 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/205571565/RSTB.rar
- Rajando Timbales - Mil Batallas (2008)
- 69.41 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/142936138/RT-MB.rar
- Subestimados - Espiritu De Lucha (2010)
- 18.75 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/327677447/S-ANCD.rar
- Standback - Citylights (Demo, 2008)
- 25.36 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/198839946/S-C.rar
- Strangedz - Demo
- 22.95 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/404787690/S-D.rar
- Skapulaire - Folklore Du Quotidien
- 33.93 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/417198229/S-FDQ.rar
- Skarmento - Musica Anti-Sistema (2006)
- 36.96 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/22114728/S-MAS.rar
- Sobressaltos - Nao ha treguas (EP 2008)
- 15.62 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/375542877/S-NHT.rar
- Schlag - Premiere Saignee
- 34.21 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/158750721/S-PS.rar
- Skontra - Semeya de la Rabia (2006)
- 53.73 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/119073732/S-SDLR.rar
- Skuds and Panic People - Lachez les Bombes (2009)
- 26.05 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/206106122/SaPP-LLB.rar
- Streetboys - Punks & Skinheads
- 13.97 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/388148910/SB-PS.rar
- Santa Blasfemia (rehearsal)
- 14.42 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/396390691/SB-r.rar
- Strike Back - Where I Stand (2007)
- 50.01 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/375540874/SB-WIS.rar
- S-Contro - King of Fools (2007)
- 42.18 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/54697269/SC-KOF.rar
- Sentido Critico - Pienso Luego Resisto (2007)
- 49.32 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/62515193/SC-PLR.rar
- Strong Conviction (Hardcore, Russia) - Tvjordye Ubezhdenija (2008)
- 91.38 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/359762097/SC-TU.rar
- Skin Disease - Pride On The Streets (2003)
- 13.71 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/309428860/SD-POTS.rar
- Sans Foie Ni Lois - On Peut Pas Toujours Etre a Son Maximum (2009)
- 26.77 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/375542485/SFNL-OPPTEASM.rar
- Shots in the Dark - Spaghetti Skank! (2008)
- 47.81 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/211605202/SITD-SS.rar
- Street Kids - Back In The Days (2009)
- 37.35 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/345261446/SK-BITD.rar
- Street Kids - Demo (2008)
- 16.48 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/210257489/SK-D.rar
- Sloppy Livin - Miestas (2003)
- 23.78 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/102287252/SL-M.rar
- Short'n'Curlies - For Fuck's Sake
- 29.33 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/69020021/SNC-FFS.rar
- Spina Nel Fianco - Sulla Cattiva Strada
- 28.20 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/166276564/SNF-SCS.rar
- Segona Opcio - Segona Opcio (2007)
- 61.06 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/120751208/SO-SO.rar
- Sezione Ribalta - Di Po Di (2005)
- 27.49 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/219989053/SR-DPD.rar
- Sezione Ribalta - Fai su ki deppisi fai (2007)
- 44.75 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/219990278/SR-FSKDF.rar
- Sistema Sonoro Skartel - Manifiesto Proletario Dub Internacional
- 95.21 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/19838430/SSS-MPDI.rar
- Trapallada - 15.002 Espirito De Loita (2008)
- 61.01 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/214080149/T-EDL.rar
- Tulamort (ex Ya Basta!)- Tulamort (2008)
- 25.34 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/220129036/T-T.rar
- TrOi! - Uresseg (2006)
- 27.86 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/219991918/T-U.rar
- Tentative 02 Suicide - A La Mort, A La Vie (2006)
- 53.94 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/224992127/T02S-ALMALV.rar
- Tentative 02 Suicide - Liberte (2009)
- 86.92 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/245991571/T02S-L.rar
- Trinken Bier - Eternos Marginados (2009)
- 101.02 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/248068139/TB-EM.rar
- Blackout Brigade, The - Death and Dishonesty (2009)
- 32.55 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/199496425/TBB-DAD.rar
- Tennentz Colombo - Demo (2004)
- 35.37 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/119077445/TC-D.rar
- Tennentz Colombo - Nelle Nostre Vene (2007)
- 71.51 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/119084215/TC-NNV.rar
- Terroristi Da Bar (Oi!) - Terroristi Da Bar (Demo, 2000)
- 24.36 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/176353280/TDB-TDB.rar
- Testikulos De Jehova - Testikulos De Jehova
- 14.50 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/130123451/TDJ-TDJ.rar
- Tempo Di Rivalsa (Oi!, Italy) - Verona Belongs To Me (2004)
- 14.06 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/327677882/TDR-VBTM.rar
- Guiness Boys, the - El Pacte (2008
- 29.02 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/245992386/TGB-EP.rar
- Ten Hole Bootboys - Strictly For The Streets EP (2008)
- 53.41 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/246075911/THB-SFTS.rar
- The Knocks - First Step (2008 Demo EP)
- 12.92 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/171615314/TK-FS.rar
- Knockarounds, The - Knocked Around (2009)
- 34.22 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/199369645/TK-KA.rar
- Trastorno Mental - Demo
- 33.90 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/164357234/TM-D.rar
- Trastorno Mental - Esnalen Omenaldia (2007)
- 40.03 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/162875193/TM-EO.rar
- Takikardia Oi! (Bilbao) - Maqueta (8 songs, 1 song from this demo is missing, I couldn't find it..)
- 31.21 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?9o51lqf4az996p3
- Uguaglianza - Nessuno mai ricordera (2009)
- 68.98 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/280339503/U-NMR.rar
- Ultimatum - Pateando Hasta El Final (2008)
- 79.03 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?tplbliub9ub3om6
- Unsubs, the - Poslednij moment (2008)
- 95.36 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/396429777/U-PM.rar
- Ultima Brigada - Cancer Social (2008)
- 74.05 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ic0gtujd58gfvvo
- Utopia Concreta - Rivolta Dai Sobborghi (2004)
- 26.90 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?2oboc63s2zj65xi
- Urban Noise - Una Vida De Lucha (2008)
- 29.23 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?hfi59oa28h53t5m
- Usual Suspects - Garvaghy Road
- 41.18 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?en2cf14dzjf88eu
- Usual Suspects (BE) - Hasta La Vista, Commandante
- 38.75 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/90057190/US-HLVC.rar
- Ultima Sacudida - Raw & Loud (2007)
- 32.05 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?gfdbop2au0q1djb
- Usual Suspects - Sur Les Murs
- 18.93 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?d6coa91klzqricp
- Up Yours (AR) - Maketa (2008)
- 50.55 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?mmcochr45rb7jxb
- Vozintierra - Eejercito Anti-nazi
- 26.60 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?p6rsawd0b8dpn05
- Valdez - Exception Becomes The Rule (2005)
- 19.79 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?9419wu568n0abe3
- Vondanikens & The Gundown - Bomb This City (LP, 2009)
- 49.16 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?4o4qt9ws4gtkwcs
- V.A. - 1er Festival Alkorhooligans * Oi! Kids * Urban Class * Rajando Timbales * Devorados Por El Odio - 7 tracks each -_ tracklist http://members.chello.cz/rs2/music/alkorhooligans.txt
- 67.72 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/114979394/VA-1FA.rar
- Violent Cops & Sezione Ribalta - Split (2009)
- 24.19 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?6hpa95a9d5xkr6j
- Veteranos de Guerra - Demo (2009)
- 11.56 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?b4fu00z193a26r0
- Voennoe Polozhenie - Demo (2008)
- 72.37 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?4ltitukcz6jvr3v
- Vecchio Scarpone - Demo
- 21.42 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?qa2mo631r04lxro
- Vecchio Scarpone - Sangue Sudore Lacrime (2007)
- 44.94 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?f4fdzqmx1fyjx0t
- Voodoo Zombie - Demo Del Horror
- 21.40 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?8g2py1o1s1g1y80
- Voodoo Zombie - Voodoo Zombie (2008) (Album)
- 80.83 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?c2187m3ftvlkl55
- Worthless - 17100 Riot (2007)
- 44.61 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/136378965/W-17100R.rar
- Working Boys - 2x Demo
- 11.77 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?wxr9ji508zrzenz
- Working Frog - Frog'n'roll
- 28.80 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?x711w1yk5c7plh5
- Wildcat Strike - Wildcat Strike (1998-2003)
- 33.22 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?a9j9d94899u7qo3
- Xenreira - Erguete!!
- 49.49 MB
- http://rapidshare.com/files/42769193/X-E.rar
- Ya Basta! - Sans Retour
- 31.05 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?allfb5wfp54nhzg
- YUKA - Qu'enfin souffle le vent de la contestation (2010)
- 56.50 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?7urlpaktxj5kh8i
- Zartako (Oi!) - Ordainduko Duzue
- 29.21 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?h4y7h1cm15ctady
- Zartako (HxC) - Zartako
- 16.62 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ebwi89091czfte3
- Zelezna Kolona - My sa trosiek nebojime... (2007)
- 66.83 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?8r0axpst781u7s7
- Zona Zero - Ahora o Nunca (2005)
- 36.13 MB
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ufd57519ybn7dcq
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ReplyDeletePLEASE UPLOAD "ADUNATA/ANTIRUGGINE-da costa a costa" ???
Čus, tady je máš - Adunata vs Antiruggine
ReplyDeleteDíky moc tohle už sem dlouho sháněl.paráda
ReplyDeleteprosím tě nevím jestli už to vyšlo nebo ne ale nemáš náhodou "RAZZAPPARTE-Tuscia Oi!"???
Jj, to vyšlo už před pár měsícema. Dá se sehnat buď na Anfibio rec. (za 9e) nebo u Redstar73 (za 6e).
ReplyDeleteJá nemám nějak pevně zformulovaný pravidla k tomu co z novejch alb nahodim a co nějakej čas podržim, ale vzhledem k tomu, že tohle Anfibio vydalo společně s novejma Gavroche, který jsem sem šoupnul skoro hned jak dorazili (a navíc to byl benefit), tak jsem si řek, že tohle jako protiváhu ještě nějakej čas nechám uležet. Každopádně oběma labelům funguje distribuce bezproblémově a CDo je fajn. Takže jestli se ti nechce čekat...
Hi! Can you reupload ADUNATA/ANTIRUGGINE split, please? Link is down! :)
Sure, here you go -> http://www.mediafire.com/?h11utr6r39ce6f3. Most of these rapidshare links are dead already, I should reupload them all some day..
can you upload this antifascist oi-core italian band http://www.punk4free.org/component/content/article/9-free-album/2049-rts-2010-4-songs-demo.html thx & cheers from naples
ReplyDeleteOk, it's here mediafire.com/?1qkb03qhhewohjo. Btw. recently they've published new song Lega merda
ReplyDeleteAhoj! Nemohl by si prosím znovu nahrát Assert - Bulletin a nemáš náhodou od Assert Ep "Assert Yourself"?
ReplyDeletehi can you upload the first free download album of my band "Pregiudizio Universale-Ora Scenda L'Oblio"?? thanks! :) http://www.4shared.com/rar/YkGpZm_o/Pregiudizio_Universale-Ora_Sce.html
ReplyDeletePlease reupload Buddha Bulldozer - Live Kameleon.... can't find anywhere ! Would like to add it to QuebecUnderground.net
ReplyDeleteCan you reupload Duap - Anti-Patria and Duap - Gente di Strada ?