
A.C.A.B. - All Cops Are Bastards

Child Of God

"Police protect the rich
Uphold their fucking law
Police uphold the system
As they smash you to the floor
Because our so called freedom
Is nothing but a farce
Restrictions, lies and laws
Are rammed right up our arse"

Extreme Noise Terror - Bullshit Propaganda

Why Fuck The Police (crimethinc.com)

>>Street Art Gallery<<

Music Video
Red House Project - Per più di un milione
(Carlo Giuliani)
Wechekeche Ni Trawün - Matias Catrileo
(Chilean police shoot and kill a Mupache supporter)
(Colombian police attack, 15 y/o anarchist dead)

Police officer abusing an Immigrant and Greek citizen
Police Brutality Rampant
Streets Are Burninig, Cops too.
(alteranatively @youtube but you will need account there)

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