New additions to Music folder:
Gavroche - Spettatori della Distruzione (2010) |buy|
(album is benefit for Radio Blackout, most of the money from selling the cd will support the campaign "Switch off censorship, switch on Blackout")
Burned Ships - Promo (2010)
(with ex-members of Hold A Grudge and Jeunnesse Apatride)
Bitov Terror - New Demo (2010)
Birra Santa - Live studio session
My Own Voice - Perpetual State of Revolution (2010) |buy|
Bobby Pins & The Saloon Soldiers - Dancing On The Moon (2009) |buy|
Free download:
Respirator - Сопротивление (EP, 2011)
*Still no plans for Christams? Get some swedish inspiration. (in fact it's a good plan as for christmas as for any other day)
Now it's also good ocassion for some musical recap of this year:
At Parapunx Blog you can download pretty extensive "best of year 2010 compilation".
And here is my list of this year top punk records. If you missed some of these, you should definitely get them ASAP:
Top 5 EPs:
Les Kamioners Du Suicide - Une bonne soirée |buy|
Gume - Lisboa |buy|
Oi! se Arma - Viernes 8 de Agosto |buy|
Contingent Anonyme - EP |buy|
Klowns - Мы Дети
Top 5 demos:
RPG-7 - Un paso de un largo camino |buy|
Cattivo Sangue - United |buy|
Envers et Contre Tous - Des Modes de Vie
Maraboots - Demo |buy|
Под ноль - Demo
Top 13 albums:
Opció K-95 - Reneix |buy|
Opinió Pública - Miserable |buy|
Young Soul Rebel - Black Clouds No Tears |buy|
Mencer Vermello - Novas Batallas |buy|
No One Else - Никто, кроме тебя!
Hold a Grudge - Doing Time |buy|
Razzapparte - Briganti |buy|
Hors Controle - Béni, Maudit |buy|
Asociale - 1990-2010 Complete Collection |buy|
Stage Bottles - Power for revenge |buy|
Guardia Bermellón - El Motor de la História
Cor Fort - Actitud |buy|
Oi! Front - 1. Album
But that's just the tip of the iceberg. There was many many others great releases. Nevertheless don't think that good times are passing by. Here's few bands, for whose next year releases you can already start craving for (well, some are more in state of plan than others...):
Brigada Oi!, United Struggle, Mossin Nagant, Non Servium, Maraboots, The Offenders
Music update
Labels: Music
Razzapparte - Tuscia Oi!
Razzapparte just released new MCD "Tuscia Oi!" to celebrate their 15 years of existence. It includes 5 tracks - combination of Oi! and traditional music of Tuscia. This MCD you can order directly from the band (PayPal available) or at Anfibio rec. The price is 9€ with postage included. One song from this record - La Marroca - is available at youtube.
Anfibio rec. now finally accepts paypal payments too...
I also updated the Music folder - added some record from Mancha Negra. But not sure what it is. 22 tracks, none of them was included on their other release "Punk rock operairo 1994-2004". Could be mix of songs from their demos, that didn't get to that comp.
And one documentary "Circle: Portrait of a Demonstration" - on the attempted neo-Nazi pogrom at Janov (in czech republic, 2008). But not sure how far it can be interesting for foreiginers, especially if you don't have any other info about it.. You can read short summary in english here. Watch online or download at Doc alliance films. With english subtitles.
Ignotus - Punk 'n' Roll (2010)
Ignotus - Punk 'n' Roll (2010)
Buy this album
Download link in Music Folder
+ Rest In Hate - Unidad (2010)
And if you haven't ran into this yet, here's some reading for sunday evening: "The Lost Boys" - an article on Minneapolis' Baldies and its follow up - "Skinheads at forty"
Labels: Music
Music Update, Oi!
The Freebooters - Ordinary Level Oi! (2010) |buy|
Blood Pact - Fino All'ultima Goccia (2010) |buy|
Gum Bleed - No War But Class War (EP 2010) |buy|
Vuoti Persi - Generazione In Fiamme (2004)
Short'n'Curlies - Bitter and Twisted (1996)
Block'oi (rehearsal 22.9.2007)
Facção Opposta & Mão-de-Ferro - Split (2010)
Kro'n'oï - Demo
Malasuerte Fi*sud - Aqui No Se Rinde Nadie (2009)
Just added also Doubling Boys - Denbora Aurrera Doa... (2010)
Download links in Music folder
And here's few new (unreleased) songs:
Бригадир (Brigadir) - 4 new songs
Gonna Get Yours - 2 new songs
Rude Riot (UA) - Voice Of Glory (from oncoming "Voice of Glory" EP)
Mister X - Krizis Soznaniya (Oxymoron cover)
New videoclip:
S-MOLEST - La Mia Vita
Labels: Music
Red Alert & Produzenten der Froide - Split CD (2010)
Red Alert & Produzenten der Froide - Split CD (2010)
→ Buy LP at Anfibio Rec.
→ Buy CD at Nix-Gut
Demencials, the - Per tu... (2009)
Download links in Music Folder
* Next Saturday (30.10.) will 5MDR release new single "Questo Ideale" which will be available for free download at myspace.
* The Freebooters are 27.10. releasing CD "Ordinary Level Oi!" and if you'll buy it in pre-order at Distro-Y Records you will get it only for 5€. (only 3days left ;)
Free download:
Fullback 89 - Start from Scratch EP
Labels: Music
Music Update
Keltoi! - A Nosa Cinza (2010)
Oi! se Arma - Viernes 8 de Agosto - 23-30 (CDEP, 2010) |buy|
Woody Cunts - Fuori Dal Branco (2010) |buy|
Les Kamioners du Suicide recorded new EP and if you are curious how they sound like after that years in my music folder you can get their live from the last year - 2 new and 2 old songs (Live in Florac, 2009).
Komando Itinerante - Demo
Jungle Urbaine - Démo
Midnight Rovers, the - Suburb Rock'n'Roll (2010) |buy|
Medef Inna Babylone - Requiem Pour Un Barron (2005)
Medef Inna Babylone - Timeo Patronas Et Dona Ferentes (2003)
Download links in Music Folder
Labels: Music
Young Soul Rebel + technical update
As first here's some technical info - Rapidshare was again "upgrading" their service and from Linklists disappeared descriptions of stored files. It makes it unusable so since now I will add all uploads to linklist directly on this blog. For that purpose I created page "Music folder". Nevertheless inactive links won't be removed automatically - if you'll find some dead links, you may report that in comment on the same page (and also ask for reupload).
The good new is, that whole October (resp. up to 150GB traffic) will be files on rapid switched to Traffic Share. That means you can download without limits - if you miss some album there's is chance to get it now.
And when I was already in that I also upadted "Labels" link section - removed some longer inactive and added few new (in left sidebar).
And here are 2 new albums:Young Soul Rebel - Black clouds and no tears (2010)
(download directly from their site or with 1 bonus track - cover of the Warzone's "In the mirror" - from Music folder) - or get it from Redstar73 or Rusty Knife
Maladie - Demo (2010)
Hell Beer Boys - Heroes De La Noche (2010)
Hell Beer Boys - Héroes De La Noche (2010)
You can buy this album at Tiendaskizo or at other places mentioned here
And if you wan to hear it first, you can download this album from my folder:
Free Downloads:
Voitilas Muertos - Mi Primera Excomunión (2010)
Protervia - Criminal Hardcore (EP 2010)
Störsender - Skins & Punx
Labels: Music
Desperta Ferro video & music update
Desperta Ferro - Els Bons Temps 1999-2009
(videos from concerts from years 2003-2008 ; >>tracklist<< )
Download from: megaupload or ifolder
(taken from CD/DVD L'Alba D'Un Nou Jorn which you can get here and you will get some more videos + 2 inedited and rerecorded songs)
Music Update
Contra as Cordas - Por Vós (Demo, 2010)
Fill sor I Knout, the - Tu Fin Será Ignorado
16 Familia - Demo
Veteranos de Guerra - Demo (2009)
Skapulaire - Folklore Du Quotidien
Betty Boots - Carpe Diem (2009)
Hell To Pay - Truth, Honor, Family (2008)
Falkon Kresta - Solo Hay Un Camino
Le Mors Aux Dents (Oi!, France) - 1000 Raisons de Gueuler (198x)
Kids of the Streets - Under Attack (2010)
Linea de Fuego - Miedo al Fracaso (2010)
(VBR V0 in my folder, uncompressed WAVs on their myspace)
Other Downloads:
CxPxO - Antifa Punx (2010)
Kutrismo - Ke Se Vallan
Klasse Kriminale - The Rise and Fall of the Stylish Kids… Oi! una Storia (2010)
Seems that the old music folder is out of order so since now navigate yourselves to the new address ->
And for some time now you can download all files without waiting.
In that folder I newly added:Klasse Kriminale - The Rise and Fall of the Stylish Kids… Oi! una Storia (2010)
(And if you'll decide to buy this album in lmited edition, you can acquire also comic "Oi! una storia")
Dvadcatye - EP (2010)
One new videoclip:
Estandarte Oi! - Orgullo Rojinegro
Other downloads:
Pareisaktoi - Ragnarok (2010)
Actitud - ¡Dejadnos soñar!
Labels: Music
Non Servium T-shirt Stencil
+ Music update bellow..
For mariguaneros de todos los calibres who can't afford some of the "official" Non Servium t-shirts (some at Redstar73 or at Sabandijas Streetwear) because they miss all the money on drugs and satanistic tools here is one you can cheaply diy.
In pack there are 2 versions - one for traditional diy (it's a bit simplified) and one for vinyl transfer or homemade screenprinting. Formats are .PNG as A4 (for smaller print) and 2xA4 + .EPS if you wanna choose the size yourselves. (and some guides for orientation in all that files)
|Download, 666 kB|
Music Update:
(for some reason I can't edit my link list, so this time download links >>here<< . But for now without waiting ;)
AK47 - AK47 (2010) |buy|
Enraged Minority - Enraged Minority (2010) |buy|
Decoy 47 - Demo (10 tracks)
Labels: Music, T-Shirt Stencils
Music Update, Oi!
Reneix from Opció K-95 is out - here you can find english lyrics from that album and if you want it whole and nice packed you can buy it at Redstar73.
They also made videoclip for song "Terra de sang". Check it.
Opinió Pública - Miserable (2010) |buy|
Bootstroke & Jungle Fever - Pride of Athens (Split, 2010) |buy|
Ol'Cunts - Rock'n'Roll Bastards (LP, 2007)
Kroska - Punk Ska Même Combat (2009)
Class Assassins, the - You've Got It All Wrong (2010) |buy|
Bad Bloods, the - The Brew Sessions (2007) |buy|
Kreuzfeldt Jacob (Oi!, Punk, France) - A Nous l'Elysée
Boxing Dogs & NONE - Sp(l)it In Your Face (Split, 2010)
Strangedz - Demo
Band Del Cazzo -presa diretta- (some time ago I uploaded from them some tracks entitled "live" - it wasn't live but only rehearsal recorded with mic.. Now here is 6 studio songs)
Free Download:
Super s Karamelom - Prazne Priče (2009)
Other - War postage stamps:I already posted here a link to pretty large gallery of posters fom spanish civil war. Now here's the same era but different medium - gallery of war postage stamps.
(At Memòria Digital de Catalunya there is also one gallery of war posters - maybe you'll find some, you haven't seen yet. Btw. - if you want to see that images whole and not cropped, just rewrite parameters in url...)
Labels: Music
Movie update
At abraxas365dokumentarci you can find download links for Antifa: Chasseurs de skins with long awaited english subtitles. They are hardcoded, so you have to download the whole movie.
Update: If you aren't comfortable with rapidshare, here I reuploaded this movie with subtitles at Part 1 | Part 2
Update 2: If you already downloaded this movie without subtitles now you can download only subtitles in .SRT format (OCR by
Nevertheless the only review of this documentary I have wasn't very positive so if you have nothing better to do and wanna watch something that's good, here is few other tips ->
500MB links Spalovač mrtvol / The Cremator (1968)
English, Spanish subtitles in archives...
(Check for subtitles in other languages)
Download: Part 1 | Part 2 Bronco Bullfrog (1969)
Warning - No subtitles and english here is performed by british (but the sound is ok).
Since there are some bad rips of this movie here you can check screens - it's the best rip I have found.. 1|2|3
Download: Part 1 | Part 2
And if you haven't seen yet -> The Warriors (1979) (Director's cut)
Spanish, Czech subtitles in archives
(Check for subtitles in other languages - but don't forget this is director's cut - a bit longer version)
Download: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Labels: Movie
Music Update
Added:Punysfora - Coratge! (2009) |buy|
Oppugno - Oppugno (2010)
videoclip -> Educar No Es Enseñar
5MDR - Via di Qua (2010) |buy|
Vondänikens & The Gundown - Bomb This City (LP, 2009) |buy|
(A Tribute to Isolation (2008) from The Gundown is for free download at their myspace)
16 de Abril - Demo
Never Surrender - 11 Istorio, Broncka eta Gau Ero (2010)
Mouthguard - One More Round (CD, 2008)
This album I posted last time was EP version (6 tracks), this is CD version - 10 tracks
Anal Skins & The Strong - Split (2008)
Banda Armada (Hardcore, Punk) - Que Vamos A Hacer (1998)
Barbarians, the - Grito de Unión (2008) |buy|
Head Kick - Fire and Glory (Demo, 2009)
Unsubs, the - Последний Момент (Poslednij moment) (2008)
Linea - Terra Libera (2008)
Santa Blasfemia (rehearsal)
Labels: Music
Oi! Update
As first, I scanned lyrics sheets with translated lyrics from following CDs:Opció-K95 - Best Before 2004 (Mai Morirem + Cap Oportunitat)
-> English, French
And if you still haven't caught that, Opció-K95 are also finally releasing new album - Reneix
Nucleo Terco - La Comisión de la estaca
-> English, French
Music Update
Added:Hold a Grudge - Doing Time (2010) |buy|
Cor Fort - Actitud (2010) |buy|
Crash Sur Vos Tombes & M.U.L. - Split CD (2004)
Destr-Oi! - Ez Etsi
YUKA - Qu'enfin souffle le vent de la contestation (2010) |buy|
Mouthguard - One More Round (2008 EP)
Heavy Manners - Heavier Than Now (1996)
Estandarte Oi! - Estirpe Luchadora (2009)
N6 - N6
N6 - Sputando Mosche (2010)
(also for free download)
Streetboys - Punks & Skinheads
Rude Riot (Oi! Core, Italy) - Skinhead Pride (2002)
Les Skorsoners - Live (St Aub’)
Labels: Music
Oi! Update
Razzapparte - Briganti (2010) |buy|
Brutus' Daughters - When The Pubs Are Dying (2010)
Sobressaltos - Nao há tréguas (EP 2008)
Sans Foie Ni Lois - On Peut Pas Toujours Etre a Son Maximum (2009)
Brutti e Ignoranti - Alla Faccia Vostra (2009) |buy|
Automatica Aggregazione - Ancora Noi... Ancora Oi! (2010) |buy|
DCP - Fino A Qui Tutto Bene (EP, 2009)
No One Else - Nikto, krome tebja! (2010)
Neallta Fola - Iraultza
Boxing Dogs, the - ...And We Just Wanna Be Your Dogs... (2008)
Orreaga 778 - Aurrera! (2009)
Piovono Pietre - Demo (2007)
Next Round - Svjataja Krov' Trebuet Vozmezdija (2010)
Skacha - Catro (2010)
Strike Back - Where I Stand (2007)
Labels: Music
Hors Controle & Anarchy Comics
Hors Controle - Béni, Maudit (2010)
>>Buy this album
Added to my folder
Free downloads:
Dysenthry - Insanité Nationale (2009)
The Skrotes - Demo (2010)
No shame - 7 Albums
Brigada Roja - Tenemos Algo que Decirte
Brigada Roja - Primer Disco
Comix:Anarchy Comics No.1-4
"Comix inspired by or based on anarchist ideas and history in the belief that the true terrorists are governments and corporations who hold us hostage with their armaments, militaries, and intelligence activities."
#1 - 1978; #2 - 1979; #3 - 1981; #4 - 1987
All four numbers you can download @4shared
+ Breaking Free - The Adventures of Tin Tin
Brigata Cani Da Birra - ...non dimentichiamo, non perdoniamo (2009)
Brigata Cani Da Birra - ...non dimentichiamo, non perdoniamo (2009)
Added in my folder:
Free downloads:
Soberphobia - 101% Local (2010)
Labels: Music
Time for Oi!
Attaccabrighe - Promo CD (2010) |buy|
Anti-Tregua - Golpes Bajos (Demo, 2009)
Pessimo Esempio - Bassano
BandDelCazzo - Live
R.A.B & Rabhop - Francs Tireurs Punks (2009) |buy|
Head Kick - Concert a Alella (29.02.2008)
Head Kick - Primer Concert (31.10.2007)
Oi!sters, the - Choke On It (2000)
B.C. bombs - ´09 Old School (2009)
Inzurgenzia - Violentos y Orgullosos
DCP - Nessuna Cortesia All' Uscita (2009) |buy|
Grand Theft Age - Sara Una Risata Che Vi Seppellira (2008)
Strong Conviction (Hardcore, Russia) - Твёрдые Убеждения (2008)
(Tvjordye Ubezhdenija)
Klowns - Мы Дети (EP 2010)
(My Deti)
Intervenzione - Last Screams (2009) |buy|
(their previous album "Walls Of Shame" is for free download)
Assert - Bulletin (2006) |buy|
Assert - More Than A Witness (1998) |buy|
Also "Subestimados - 5 tracks from oncoming album" I posted some time ago showed up to be that album itself :) So, Subestimados - Espíritu de lucha (2010) you can find also in my main folder....
And if you aren't comfortable with rapidshare don't forget there's also folder where you can find the same files
Free Downloads:
The Peanut Vendors - Why Rock when you can STEADY'N'ROLL?
Arrested Denial - Church On Friday (2010)
M.A.D. & Kamiza De Fuerza - Split (2010)
RPG-7 - 2 tracks from their demo
The Zapoy! - 1xDemo 2xEP (download links in the left sidebar)
Knife2meatyou - Demo (2009)
Labels: Music
Street Kids - Back In The Days (2009)
Street Kids - Back In The Days (2009) I couldn't find any info about this. Obviously it was released also as 3 songs vinyl at Un vie Pour Rien? (UVPRV XV) but it's not in their label list nor in their distro.. What we have here might be some CD version - 13 songs - 5 was already on their demo, 8 is new... Whatever, enjoy.
Free Downloads:
Drama - Creacion Destructiva 7" (2010)
Crack del 29 - Modus Operandi (2009)
Labels: Music
Mencer Vermello - Novas Batallas (2010)
Mencer Vermello - Novas Batallas (2010)
Buy at: Mai Morirem
(should be also at Radikal Records and was at Redstar73 but I can't see it there now) Tank - Sala Prove (Demo, 2009)
Rango Tank - Live At Anti-Racist Meeting (2002)
Working Boys - 2x Demo
O.E.P. - 6 tracks
Nuit Rouge (rehearsal)
Mala Imagen (Oi!, Gasteiz) - Kaos
Enforcers, the (Oi!, Toronto) - Demo
C.P.P.N - La Classe (2007)
Anfibio rec. updated their distro list so check it out, lot of nice stuff...
Free downloads:
Cipote - Rekuerdos de una vida
Marxe Eskerda - Collendo forma
Labels: Music