
Erode - T-shirt stencil

Erode - Orgoglio proletario T-shirt stencil
Erode t-shirt stencil preview
Download (as always - EPS and A4 sized PNG - size, which I personally wouldn't recommend to be printed on tee bigger than "S", looks ugly...)

When at graphics - here are scans of two Chinese propaganda art reference books, resp. of “报头资料选 (1)” and “报头选辑 美术参考资料 (2)”.
Chinese propaganda art reference books
+ small set of nice Chinese prop posters on Flickr

And at last also some music:
Officer Down (ex Spitting Rage) & Mercyless - Nuestra hora llegará (2010)
(download link in music folder)


¡Adelante! Ni un solo paso atrás Laboratorio de la Contrarevolución