Erode - Orgoglio proletario T-shirt stencil
Download (as always - EPS and A4 sized PNG - size, which I personally wouldn't recommend to be printed on tee bigger than "S", looks ugly...)
When at graphics - here are scans of two Chinese propaganda art reference books, resp. of “报头资料选 (1)” and “报头选辑 美术参考资料 (2)”.
+ small set of nice Chinese prop posters on Flickr
And at last also some music:
Officer Down (ex Spitting Rage) & Mercyless - Nuestra hora llegará (2010)
(download link in music folder)
Erode - T-shirt stencil
Labels: T-Shirt Stencils
Sindrome Oi! - If You Don´t Like It (2010)
Sindrome Oi! - If You Don´t Like It (2010)
2 older songs, not included on that album - Hools CAO and Tortura Inversa download here
The album you can buy at Tiendaskizo but your order has to be min 15oiros..
Allergia (Streetpunk, Oi!, Italy) - Attitudine a Reagire (Demo, 1998)
(-> review of this demo)
Beberzio - Demo
Download links in Music Folder
Free downloads:
Deadlamb Records Sampler 2010
Contra and Longshot records also came with 2010 free sampler but I don't know most of those bands and since some of their releases I find suspicious, I'll post here just one yet unreleased song from that:
45 Adapters - Conquer Fear
Labels: Music
Suzio 13 - Nuestra Suerte (2010)
Suzio 13 - Nuestra Suerte (2010)
Download from Music folder or buy from Potencial Hardcore
*Gradinata Nord after 8 years since split CD with Rebelde released new album "Valtellina Boyz". Album preview is available at their myspace. More hard rock (or however is called that hairy motorcycle gangs music) than oi! as before but if you like it you can get a copy directly from the band (14€) or if you'll be fast enough (4 copies left) you can get it for 5€ at ebay.
*In February is also comming out new album from Tados - "Des Gars, Des Os!!" - 4 tracks from the CD are already available at their myspace.
*And finally Maninblack (with ex "The Press" vocalist) announced start of a new video project - more info at their site. We'll see if it comes out better than planned release of their EP and LP last year.
Graphic Novel - Skin "The story of a young skinhead, Martin Atchitson who grew up in 1970s London with thalidomide-related birth defects. Milligan (author) has said the story partially addresses "universal themes of major companies shafting people, and corruption in terms of drugs and mass marketing."
(if you'll have problems with opening, just change the extension of the file from CBR to ZIP and unpack the JPGs..)
Labels: Music