Added: Nuts & Bolts - We Don't Wanna Wake Up (2007)
Nuts & Bolts - Nuts & Bolts (2004)
Nuts & Bolts - Demo
Schlag - Premiere Saignée
(now I noticed that they have one download link also at their myspace...)
Blockbastard - Apocalypse Down (2008)
(+ videoclip "Apocalypse Down" download >>here<<)
Blockbastard - Demo
Asalto 54 - Larga Vida Al Co!
(split with 45 Revolutions also in my folder...)
Figli Di Alex - No Chiacchere, Botte! (2004)
Working Frog - Frog'n'roll
Двигатель Революции - Песни гражданской войны или Нежность и грусть (2006)
(Dvigatel' Revolyutsii - Pesni grazhdanskoj vojny ili nezhnost' i grust')
(>>sample<< (right click and save)
Free Downloads:
Viande Rouge - 5 tracks
Justa Venganza - Contra las cuerdas (Demo 2008)
Die Welle / The Wave (2008)"A high school teacher's unusual experiment to demonstrate to his students what life is like under a dictatorship spins horribly out of control when he forms a social unit with a life of its own."
>>Download links<<
(subtitles: Czech, Polish, Greek, Turkish, German, Dutch >>here<<)
Music - Oi!, Punk (Updated)
Labels: Music
Katyusha - Benzina Sul Fuoco (2008) + Links
-------- MUSIC ------------Katyusha - Benzina Sul Fuoco (2008) added to ...
Katyusha at myspace
I bought this album at The postage for 1 CD costed me only 1.5 € (and I don't live in Catalonia) and the CD was in my mailbox one week after payment (they use paypal so there are no bank-transfer and currency-conversion charges). Another pro is that they responded my e-mails really fast so there shouldn't be communication problems with some delivery issues.. They also have a lot of another good music or nice t-shirt so check it out.
(Btw. if you have positive (or negative) experience with some another distro, especially that's not in your country, I'd like to hear it. They usually don't respond my e-mails so I'm little worried of solving some delivery problems..)
I also took photos of Last Strike - Delnicky Rock (album in my folder) CD cover with lyrics translated into english - you can download it >>here<<
And one video - Agresion - Traidores (Live)
(I got link to this in the newsletter of WCRec. - they didn't respond my questions but started to mail me their newsletter. To don't malign, maybe they just don't speak (my-)english but it's smiling a bit.)
-------- VIDEO ------------Leila Khaled Hijacker - A documentary about Leila Khaled
Download: Part_1 | Part_2 (English subtitles are in archive)
Screenshots: 1 | 2 | 3
If you'd like some short introduction or overview about I-P conf. you can download PFLP and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 10 minutes (.pdf) at Fighters&Lovers
And if you want some news from Palestine you can head for Anarchists Against The Wall's electronic Intifada updates.
-------- IF ------------
★If you still didn't adopt Anarchist's "Don't believe anybody, don't believe us either" you should do so by now - Anarchist site ran by fascists -> thread at Part1 and Part 2
★If you don't know if to waste your time downloading and watching Battle In Seattle (download links I posted in some of the previous posts) maybe movie review at will help you..
-------- News from the World ------------
★Police fight Police in Sao Palo (The first row tickets sold-out and flights to Brazil fully booked :'( )
★This Wednesday Revolt.Destroy.Reform online radio started their broadcast. So if you'll get bored with pure Punk'n'Oi! you can tune in - every Wednesday evening >>More here<<
★ Anarchists should adpot anti-semitism and ZOG belief. (maybe another anarchist site run by fascists hehe)
T-Shirt Stencil: Rest In Pieces
ZIP archive (828kB) with stencils download >>HERE<<
(right click and 'save as').
In archive there are two versions of this stencil. The first is intended to be printed in dark colors on light colored t-shirts (named black.on.white) and the second is intended to be printed in light colors on dark colored t-shirts (named They are slightly different since different parts of the graphic will be printed (those which are black). Both of them are made in black - that's only for contrast purpouses and it doesn't matter what is their actual color - you choose the color when printing...

Labels: T-Shirt Stencils
Music - Oi!, Punk, Hardcore (Update)
Zona Zero - Ahora o Nunca (2005)
Valdez - Exception Becomes The Rule (2005)
Natural Born Drinkers - Sz 8
Tisztán A Cél Felé - Forradalom
Tisztán A Cél Felé - 1965.09.19
Voodoo Zombie - Demo Del Horror
Abfallsozialprodukt - Keine Macht Den Faschisten
Abfallsozialprodukt - Trauma
Free Downloads:
A Cuchillo + Grito + Mesqueodi - Split
Yesterday CaRRe released the proper DVDrip of Battle In Seattle (About anti-WTO demos in 99'). I haven't seen it yet so I don't know if it isn't just piece of shit (these themes can be easily fucked up) nevertheless it has some good reviews so you can try it at least... Download links I found over the internet are here.
That's all for today but remember you never know who will try to kill you. So you better be ready.
Labels: Music