Hijos Del 77 - Vivos En La Memoria (2008)
A Fora De Arrastu & Feccia Tricolore - Split (2008)
Feccia Tricolore - Feccia Tricolore (2006)
A Fora De Arrastu - Istorias (2004)
To Ed Gein - To Ed Gein (2008)
Still Life - Sigue Caminando (2007)
Взрывая Границы (Vzryvaya Granici)
Perhaps you already noticed that at El Club De Los Magios you can find new album from Razor Bois (in my folder you can find VBR V0 quality version). To my folder I added also Demo from Hoods Up 495 (pre Moscow Death Brigade, Razor Bois) - Beastie Boys punk hip hop style.
Technical Note:
Size of my main rapidshare folder reached its max capacity -- number of 500 files -- so to make some space I created new folder and moved some of old files there. The new folder for old files's adress is Perhaps you won't need to acces this folder - just for case you would like to download some albums from older posts (old but popular files I'll keep in my main folder). Later I'll add the link to this folder to the right menu on this site. It's the best solution I could devise at the moment....
Music Update - Hardcore, Punk
Labels: Music
Oi!, Punk, HxC Music (Update)
Spina Nel Fianco - Sulla Cattiva Strada
(one song in the paylist here)
Workers Etiquette Manual - The Haves vs. The Have Nots (2004)
Dead Spike - Punx Über Alles (2006)
No Good Heroes - Radio Rebelde
Five Boots (Streetpunk Oi! from Italy) - Five Boots
Five Boots - Le Nostre Piccole Storie (1995)
Ruidosos (Punk Oi!, Italy) - Ditelo Col Fuoco
Sons De Lucha (Streetpunk, France) - Demo
-------------------------Exploited in Madrid
Just quick intro if you don't follow the news about the band you perhaps don't even listen to :) - vocalist of the Exploited was confronted with his ambiguity by local antifascists before his show in Madrid...
At La Haine you can now find "Clarifying official notice respect to the action against Wattie (Exploited)" (for english version scroll down the page) and also few photos of this nopoliticsjustpunk band. That message is partially also response to the post at the Exploited's blog.
Labels: Music
Urban Noise - Una Vida De Lucha (2008)
Urban Noise - Una Vida De Lucha (2008)
Banned From The Pub - Répétition Aoűt (2008) (Live)
(some of their songs you can download from their
Claw - Demo (2008)
Hold a Grudge - Hold a Grudge (128kbit)
Intifada (Bogota) - Toma La Piedra y Enfrenta
Also another Live (maybe the same as previous, don't know.. :) and Demo from Trastorno Mental
Labels: Music
Redweiler - Bordeaux Saigne (2008)
Redweiler - Bordeaux Saigne (2008)
Added to
Well, I'm not sure if this is complete or final version - at Solitude Urbaine nothing and at Conehead rec. it's still marked as "Out Soon". But finally whatever it is it's not their live and it's pretty good so enjoy...
Redweiler at myspace
Labels: Music
Update - Hardcore, Oi!, Punk
Added:Assert - Left Opposition (1999)
Assert - Riotous Assembly (2003)
Assert - Insurrection Rocks (2001)
Utopia Concreta - Rivolta Dai Sobborghi (2004)
(or download directly from their site >>here<<)
Alkol'Oi! - Demo (2007)
Toc De Queda - Mallorca Oi!
Rabia Proletaria - Tiempos de Guerra (Demo)
Far To Close (Streetpunk, Oi!, Belgium) - True Ways
Trastorno Mental - Demo (2007)
Blokeo - A Por Ellos Como En Paracuellos
Free Downloads:
Dexprecia2 - Jugaremos a la guerra (Demo)
Degenerados (ZGZ) - Demo
(if download from their site won't work try it >>here<<)
Now I remember that somebody requested Full Time Skins - I have only som 7 tracks from them nevertheless if you want you can download them >>here<<
Labels: Music