Before further reading don´t forget that starting a mayhem isn´t the only (and definitely is not the best) way How to put some anarchy into your life.
What´s today called anarchist cookbook is more collection of illegal howtos than something anarchist in any sense. There are lot of "different" versions (some of them you can get here) of this however most of texts included there are quite useless (if you are interested in some of topics in this book, you will probably get more help somewhere else than there). Nevertheless if you are curious and want check it out here is version, that seems to me to be the most comprehensive one -> anarchist_cookbook.tgz (12MB, 75MB after unpacking, unpack and run .windex.html). And if you still don´t have enough of mayhem readings here are some links where you can find more of this stuff:
*Banned Books *Anarchy Database *DragonCode
!!! While this (as I assume) original (from 70´s) possibly can still provide some useful infos Abbie Hoffman - Steal This Book! (you can visit your local bookstore and steal it or download it here as .rtf or here as .txt). Perhaps you should also check out how to fire your boss - A workers guide to direct action And about bringing the theory into praxis in history you can read in Anarchism, From Theory to Practice (Daniel Guerin).
All texts above are in English - If you will try to search maybe you will find translation also into your native language.
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... bla bla bla. Have a fun ;-)

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