
Music - Update

The Coup

Firstly, I added some hip-hop to my rapidshare folder:

Anarchist Academy- Am Rande Des Abgrunds (LP 1993)
Anarchist Academy - Anarchophobia (1994)
The Coup - Party Music (2001)
The Coup - Pick A Bigger Weapon (2006)
Credit To The Nation - Take Dis (1993) (samples)
Credit To The Nation - Keep Your Mouth Shut (1998) (never officially released)
Sabac Red - Sabacolypse

But not only hip hop, also Demo from Duff Hooligans

And if you want some more Punk´n´Oi! music, visit pages of these bands where you can download their albums:

Camarada Kalashnikov
Brigada Flores Magon
Desperta Ferro (their new album Segueu Arran you can download from my rapidshare folder)
Jeunesse Apatride
Skuds & Panic People
Razor Bois (That link is not, obviously, to their official site where you could download their demo - but that official site dissapeared so.. and you can also visit their profile on myspace)
Reazione (There is full album Scars'N'Beers but wrong linked so use these links)
Oi! Kobras
Facecontrol (Download="Скачать")

Today it´s all folks...


¡Adelante! Ni un solo paso atrás Laboratorio de la Contrarevolución