Firstly, I added some hip-hop to my rapidshare folder:
Anarchist Academy- Am Rande Des Abgrunds (LP 1993)
Anarchist Academy - Anarchophobia (1994)
The Coup - Party Music (2001)
The Coup - Pick A Bigger Weapon (2006)
Credit To The Nation - Take Dis (1993) (samples)
Credit To The Nation - Keep Your Mouth Shut (1998) (never officially released)
Sabac Red - Sabacolypse
But not only hip hop, also Demo from Duff Hooligans
And if you want some more Punk´n´Oi! music, visit pages of these bands where you can download their albums:
Camarada Kalashnikov
Brigada Flores Magon
Desperta Ferro (their new album Segueu Arran you can download from my rapidshare folder)
Jeunesse Apatride
Skuds & Panic People
Razor Bois (That link is not, obviously, to their official site where you could download their demo - but that official site dissapeared so.. and you can also visit their profile on myspace)
Reazione (There is full album Scars'N'Beers but wrong linked so use these links)
Oi! Kobras
Facecontrol (Download="Скачать")
Today it´s all folks...
Music - Update
Labels: Music
V for Vendetta
V for Vendetta - a comic
"V", an anarchist revolutionary begins an elaborate, violent, and theatrical campaign to destroy the totalitarian government. (More info)
Download - is one more comic - Hitler vs. Stalin - Aryan power versus personified willpower of the Soviet people to defeat nacism. Superhero Stalin trained by Lenin himself.
In Russian (there are also english subtitles)
In English
And if you want to, you should check out also another Hitler vs. Stalin publication, which is not about Hitler and Stalin...
This post seems to be whole (but not just) about struggle so I´m gonna hold it and let´s look what are the current standings ;-) What more to tell?, Keep it real...
Music - Update
Feccia Oi! (ex Feccia Rossa)- Live
Feccia Rossa - Sempre contro
Feccia Rossa - Obbligati ad Odiare
Ya Basta! - Sans Retour
Les Kamionërs Du Suicide
EP rip - La java des bons enfants, Decolonisation ! (1988)
+ Bonus - Action rouge in dub, Graine de terroriste (Mono)
-> 4 tracks, 128 kbit
(if problems downloading from megaupload due to the full country slots -> IE users may download and install "megaupload Alexa toolbar" or Firefox users may install "User Agent Switcher" extension then in Firefox open Tools -> User Agent Switcher -> Options -> Options, then in window which opens, click "User Agents" -> "Add", as "Description" write "Megaupload" and in "User agents" paste this - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Alexa Toolbar)
Ok. Then again in Firefox open Tools -> User Agent Switcher and switch to "Megaupload" go to the megaupload link and download...)
Edit: This megaupload guide works no more - use megaupload link grabber
Labels: Music
RASH logo (hi-res)
Have you ever searched for RASH logo in some higher resolution? If you succeeded you are genial but the biggest one I have found on the internet was something like 220 x 220px which is not too usable if you wanna use it when making some leaflet, poster or whatever else you can need it for. So I redrawed this one and now you can download the result here (use links below). Just if you will make any improvements of it, share your result also here, please.
So, here you are
5743 x 4486 px 300 dpi
download as *.png (1.0 MB) *.psd (5,5 MB) or half-sized *jpg (422kB 2362x1845 px)
(right click and "save as")
In the future when I will have some time I´m gonna redraw also that logo with globe - or you can try it and share your result?... ;-)
Labels: RASH logo, T-Shirt Stencils
Music - Update
Louis Lingg and the Bombs
Great anarcho pop punk i discovered recently...
Download their album "Long Live The Anarchist Revolutionairies" ->
(If somebody wants to know who Louis Lingg was
And I also added some streetpunk to my rapidshare folder:
Havoc - Our Rebellion Has Just Begun
Defiance - Nothing Lasts Forever
Antidote - My Life
Frontkick - Streetpunk rebels
Labels: Music
DIY - T-Shirt
+ tuts at
you can also find some stencils here (you just may need to re-write texts on some of them) ->
Free Graphic Editors: (Gimpshop!)
Inspiration on Deviantart:
And some free stencil fonts:
Download this post as bookmarks and import into your browser
Labels: DIY
Music - Update
Offensiva - Crumiro (Demo 2006)
Guerilla - Zona Antifascista (2007)
Guerilla - Virus Macht (2003) (FlashPlayerRip)
Guerilla - A Call to Arms (2005)
Figli Di Alex - Guerra Agli Oppressori (2004)
Camaleon Oi x Oi! - Nueva Sangre
Camaleon Oi x Oi! (6 tracks)
Blaggers ITA - Bad Karma
Atarassia Grop - Nonsipuofermareilvento
Atarassia Grop - L'Involuzione Della Specie
Atarassia Grop - Fantasmi
Atarassia Grop - Aqui Estamos
MiSanDao - Proud Of The Way
MiSanDao - Clamp Down
RedBanner - No Ens Aturaran (part 2: tracks 12-18 - Cataluny Punk_s)
RedBanner - No Ens Aturaran (part 1: tracks 1 - 11 + 19, 20)
Rebelde & Veleno Sociale
Rebelde - Fratelli Di Sangue
Horda Bastarda - Old skull (Madrid HxC)
Asalto 54 & 45 Revolutions - Beneficio para companer@s antifascistas
Vecchio Scarpone - Demo
Molodoi - Rebelle Anonyme
Molodoi - Dragon Libre
Sector Oi! - Grito De Uni_n (2003)
Fate 2 Hate - Iron Fist
Classical Slum - Rude Kids
Skarmento - Que Podemos Agardar
Skarmento - Musica Anti-Sistema (2006)
Intervenzione - Walls of Shame
Bierkampf - Cuore Duro
MC Dr Kary + Gardezitty
Labels: Music