
Music update

New additions to Music folder:

Gavroche - Spettatori della Distruzione (2010) |buy|
(album is benefit for Radio Blackout, most of the money from selling the cd will support the campaign "Switch off censorship, switch on Blackout")
Burned Ships - Promo (2010)
(with ex-members of Hold A Grudge and Jeunnesse Apatride)
Bitov Terror - New Demo (2010)
Birra Santa - Live studio session
My Own Voice - Perpetual State of Revolution (2010) |buy|
Bobby Pins & The Saloon Soldiers - Dancing On The Moon (2009) |buy|

Free download:
Respirator - Сопротивление (EP, 2011)

*Still no plans for Christams? Get some swedish inspiration. (in fact it's a good plan as for christmas as for any other day)

Now it's also good ocassion for some musical recap of this year:

At Parapunx Blog you can download pretty extensive "best of year 2010 compilation".

And here is my list of this year top punk records. If you missed some of these, you should definitely get them ASAP:

Top 5 EPs:
Les Kamioners Du Suicide - Une bonne soirée |buy|
Gume - Lisboa |buy|
Oi! se Arma - Viernes 8 de Agosto |buy|
Contingent Anonyme - EP |buy|
Klowns - Мы Дети

Top 5 demos:
RPG-7 - Un paso de un largo camino |buy|
Cattivo Sangue - United |buy|
Envers et Contre Tous - Des Modes de Vie
Maraboots - Demo |buy|
Под ноль - Demo

Top 13 albums:
Opció K-95 - Reneix |buy|
Opinió Pública - Miserable |buy|
Young Soul Rebel - Black Clouds No Tears |buy|
Mencer Vermello - Novas Batallas |buy|
No One Else - Никто, кроме тебя!
Hold a Grudge - Doing Time |buy|
Razzapparte - Briganti |buy|
Hors Controle - Béni, Maudit |buy|
Asociale - 1990-2010 Complete Collection |buy|
Stage Bottles - Power for revenge |buy|
Guardia Bermellón - El Motor de la História
Cor Fort - Actitud |buy|
Oi! Front - 1. Album

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. There was many many others great releases. Nevertheless don't think that good times are passing by. Here's few bands, for whose next year releases you can already start craving for (well, some are more in state of plan than others...):
Brigada Oi!, United Struggle, Mossin Nagant, Non Servium, Maraboots, The Offenders

¡Adelante! Ni un solo paso atrás Laboratorio de la Contrarevolución