
Mencer Vermello - Novas Batallas (2010)

Mencer Vermello - Novas Batallas

Mencer Vermello - Novas Batallas (2010)

Buy at: Mai Morirem
(should be also at Radikal Records and was at Redstar73 but I can't see it there now)


Rango Tank - Sala Prove (Demo, 2009)
Rango Tank - Live At Anti-Racist Meeting (2002)
Working Boys - 2x Demo
O.E.P. - 6 tracks
Nuit Rouge (rehearsal)
Mala Imagen (Oi!, Gasteiz) - Kaos
Enforcers, the (Oi!, Toronto) - Demo
C.P.P.N - La Classe (2007)

Anfibio rec. updated their distro list so check it out, lot of nice stuff...

Free downloads:
Cipote - Rekuerdos de una vida
Marxe Eskerda - Collendo forma

¡Adelante! Ni un solo paso atrás Laboratorio de la Contrarevolución